Another comment that may of been posted in another thread...

NeverEarth X

Aug 1, 2006
Roanoke Virginia
Since i cant find the the thread i wanted to comment on how addictiing the new Iced Earth EP is to me, I can stop fucking listing to it!

Bring on Framing Armagedon!!!
like fuckin Australians would know more, gimmie a break.

Due to Westernisation and Americanisation, Australians (as well as many other countries that have been plagued by western society) would probably know more than those mindless fools seen on the videos.
I can't believe that some people actually in believe in some of that shit.
Due to Westernisation and Americanisation, Australians (as well as many other countries that have been plagued by western society) would probably know more than those mindless fools seen on the videos.
if you hang around someplace long enough asking the stupidest looking people walking by some questions, you'll have your minute of retarded answers and then some. there are stupid/misinformed people everywhere.
They'd not dare ask me anything, I look like I might actually answer correctly. Neal has it right that they SEARCH for morons.
if you hang around someplace long enough asking the stupidest looking people walking by some questions, you'll have your minute of retarded answers and then some. there are stupid/misinformed people everywhere.



And now for something completely different..

Citizens of the world! Time to laugh at yourselves!

oh my goh.... :rolleyes: :zombie: :ill: :erk:
Nice change of subject from Iced Earth btw, you win a cookie

They'd not dare ask me anything, I look like I might actually answer correctly. Neal has it right that they SEARCH for morons.

Of course they search for morons! Those videos are completely biased, and they only target the US because they are the centre of attention. The fact that there are people that stupid in the world is shocking enough for me to disregard the guys at cnnnn’s biased methodologies.
All Americans I have met are generally nice, intelligent people, and I, in no way believe that the videos accurately represent Americans, that’s why I didn’t specifically identify the "stupid people" as Americans.

oh my goh.... :rolleyes: :zombie: :ill: :erk:
Nice change of subject from Iced Earth btw, you win a cookie

fuck yes! I haven't had a cookie for soo long!
Of course those videos don't represent ALL Americans, but we definitely have our share of people who desperately need to be removed from the gene pool. I recall in my sophomore year of high school, my Modern World Civ teacher told my class about his very first day of teaching. A student wasn't paying attention, so he asked the kid to point to Africa on a map. The kid squinted at the map for a second, and then asked the following question:

"Is the blue the water?"