Another dog thread...

Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
...because I missed the last one. :loco:

These pics were taken with my old $9.99 Walgreens camera, so bear with the shittiness:







This is my dad's German Shepherd, Bak. Yes, he is a fully trained K-9 police dog, and he could tear you apart if he was ordered to....but if he's right up next to you, you're instantly his best friend. He'll even rub up against people's legs, like a huge cat. He's quite a kewl dog.
Lunar Still said:
...because I missed the last one. :loco:

These pics were taken with my old $9.99 Walgreens camera, so bear with the shittiness:







This is my dad's German Shepherd, Bak. Yes, he is a fully trained K-9 police dog, and he could tear you apart if he was ordered to....but if he's right up next to you, you're instantly his best friend. He'll even rub up against people's legs, like a huge cat. He's quite a kewl dog.
aww he's beautiful. I love those big brown eyes.
I used to have a German Shepard and he was the most awesome dog there ever was!

Good lookin buddy you got there!
:) :cry: :) such beautiful beautiful... divine doggies. I love them. but can't have one (or more) cuz I think they deserve every moment of our lives, just like children. we spend almost all day at work and I wouldn't want the doggie to be alone. ever. :cry: that's why we have kitties. now they rule. and get happy when we get home, and show off, and run to us if we call their names. but they are cats. can handle it alone. :)

your doggies are divine. :)
AWWW! My favorite subject :)
dogs! <3 !

All of your dogs are so cute!!! I wish I could meet them in person I love meeting dogs... they always sense who loves them (and thats ME!!!!!)

I grew up with Ridgebacks all my life.
Lion Hunters! hehehe

this is my Pier... R.I.P

But I was always a fan of mutts.... or dogs that no one wants... those are usually my favorite... when I went to the shelter to pick up Shrike (and I actually went to look at the cats.... but Shrike picked me)
I said that if there will be any blind/ cripple/ old dog there that no one wants I'll take him/ her. I looked, but all the dogs were healthy and happy
and some of them were already scheduled to go to homes,
but then I saw Shrike (at the shelter they named him Banjo - HAHA!)
and he was in the corner, and wasn't very friendly, and the girl at the
shelter told me she thinks he's in shock from being in a shelter (he was only 3 months old) and the minute I leaned and looked in his cage he noticed me,
looked at me, sniffed the air and run to me and started licking my face...
the girl who worked there said: "wow! he has never done that!"
so you see... he picked me.
My shapless mutt that I love so much :)



This is the red pig that Derick and Cara brought him

Sleeping position


Most totally awesome -- Lioness and Shrike win! Tinkerbell is a rescue pup, herself. She was abused by a pack of wild children, mismanaged by a single parent and then eventually abandoned at the vet. Her name was "Trouble". Now she's my helper Grrrrrrl and a very pretty princess! (just ask her!) Tink gives Lioness a 3 bark salute!