Hi folks, new member here so not sure yet where to post this.
Basically I have been working on a guitar kit over the last 9 months on and off and last weekend finally got to installing the hardware. i purchased the EMG H4/H4A pick ups and followed the diagram exactly for the 2 puck uls, 3 way selector, master tone and individual volume set up.
However there was a lot of grounding buzz whenever I touched anything and a loud, bassy hum whenever I turned the pick up volumes down. After checking the wiring I finally got the buzz to stop when touching the bridge (tune O matic) but there is still a loud crackling buzz whenever I touch the pickups and pickup selector but all the wires are secure, in the correct places and nothing touching that shouldn't be.
It's driving me nuts now as there should beno reason for it yet it's still there. have tried contacting EMG but had no response so wondered if anyone here could help as I've seen other posts about installation problems with EMG and other pickups.
Thanks to all in advance
Basically I have been working on a guitar kit over the last 9 months on and off and last weekend finally got to installing the hardware. i purchased the EMG H4/H4A pick ups and followed the diagram exactly for the 2 puck uls, 3 way selector, master tone and individual volume set up.
However there was a lot of grounding buzz whenever I touched anything and a loud, bassy hum whenever I turned the pick up volumes down. After checking the wiring I finally got the buzz to stop when touching the bridge (tune O matic) but there is still a loud crackling buzz whenever I touch the pickups and pickup selector but all the wires are secure, in the correct places and nothing touching that shouldn't be.
It's driving me nuts now as there should beno reason for it yet it's still there. have tried contacting EMG but had no response so wondered if anyone here could help as I've seen other posts about installation problems with EMG and other pickups.
Thanks to all in advance