Installing EMG-s

Black Spirit

Riff Master
Hi people!This is my first post on this forum and I hope I'll make a good one..;-)
I own Ibanez RGR DX(reversed headstock) 6 string electric guitar...
It is 2 x Humbucker,1 x tone,1 x volume,5 way switch guitar type... :)
I've took out original PSND humbuckers that were very bad,very weak sounding and not having any guts at all...
Meanwhile,I put my hands on EMG active pickups...I bought 81 for a bridge and 85 for neck position...
I've installed original EMG pots and wired everything like it is described...
EXCEPT THIS...(read on...) :erk:
I have problems installing these pickups on a five(5) way switch...
I understand that red wire from pickups goes on red wire of battery to supply onboard pickup preamp...
Where does the remaining white wire goes from each of the pickup,where do I connect it to and in the to connect it to 5 way switch pins...
My 5 way is so called "enclosed box switch",the one that all import ibanes have,this means I have "8 pins" of a 5 way selector switch in a row...(not split in 2 rows x 4 way like it is usual)...
On what pins should I connect the wires if I want usual and simple setup switching...
which means...
1 position = NECK ,2nd position=NECK + BRIDGE and finally 3rd position=BRIDGE
This is my first experience with active pickups so If you could help me,I would highly appreciate it!
The thin white lead is the "hot" wire - where your signal comes out. They should go where the hot leads from your old pickups were. I hope you took note of how it was wired before you took the old pickups out?

Also don't forget to solder the ground wires (braided) to the back of a pot casing.

Btw, I recommend you to try the pickups in different positions - i.e. put the 85 at the bridge and the 81 at the neck, and see which setup you like best. I prefer the 85 at the bridge by far.

Sunbane said:
The thin white lead is the "hot" wire - where your signal comes out. They should go where the hot leads from your old pickups were. I hope you took note of how it was wired before you took the old pickups out?

Also don't forget to solder the ground wires (braided) to the back of a pot casing.

Btw, I recommend you to try the pickups in different positions - i.e. put the 85 at the bridge and the 81 at the neck, and see which setup you like best. I prefer the 85 at the bridge by far.

Yeah...I got you... ;) I'll certainly try both combinations of EMG 85.Thnx.
But the problem is,that I actually didn't memorize previous situation on a 5 way switch...but then again,there would not be much of a use because the pickups I took out(the original ones,ibanez PSND),were much different than EMG-s;they had in total 5 wires going out from each one of them(because they were both hum splitting capable humbuckers) while EMG has only 2 wires going out from them(red and white) so we're talking here about completley different situations.I am not sure how much would the old scheme help me here...
I am just trying to figure out on what pins should I solder them on a 5 way switch?Is there any universal solution that should work and can apply on EMG-s?
Thanks! :)
Your best bet is read the intructions that come with the pups.
I managed to isntall EMGs for the first time ever from the instructions.
And that was with a Gainboost in my "chain" so...its not too hard, sorry i cant have been more help but the EMG isntructions are AMAZING
Also, email them, the guys there rock, they sent me so much cool extras when i got a Pa2 without a battery clip.
Sex Machine said:
buy a new 3-way switch itll be easier
That's what I would do. I know the EMG 81s (I am sure the 85s are the same) come with a diagram for hooking them to a three way switch. My suggestion is go to all-parts or something and order a three way switch.

And oh,btw...the tone I got is most impressive...
I've armed guitar with set of 0.12 Ultra Heavy Boomers strings and the tone is excellent...
bassy and articulate,excellent defined(because they are hand custom wounded from a friend at EMG)...
Distortion is powerfull enough to rattle the teeth out...
I must admit,I was maybe a little sceptic that this will be 100% good investment,but now all my doubts are wiped away...

You have connections within EMG? O_o That's awesome!

I love EMGs - they have been my number one choice in pickups since over 10 years back. They have a nicely balanced sound, are very clear, superb definition in the bottom end, and they pick up harmonics very easilly.

Lately I've come to prefer the 85 over the 81, since the 81 is too "dead" sounding for my taste. Xeno says he thinks the 81 was designed to be as neutral as possible, so you could shape your sound more with effects. The 85 on the other hand, has a slightly dirtier, warmer sound - closer to a Duncan, but still with that EMG-ish vibe.

The only other pickup brand I'm interested in checking out right now, is APC pickups (Adder Plus Corporation), but they seem impossible to find over here in Europe.
1500 used? That's steep. O_o I don't really know...I don't use DiMarzios, and it's been a long time since I bought any pickup new. Keep checking - that would be the best bet I think.