another friend died!!

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
This is too much.This guy I know only by the nick name of "Turtle" died of a heart attack yesterday.he was only 43 or 44.he was obese but still this sucks.He roadied for local bay area bands bands like Machine Head.Just days after Michelle passes.They say these happen in 3's so now I'm prepping for more devastation!
back in December of 2001 I get news that Chuck Schuldner of Death had died that day Then I find out my friend Bianca "Butthole" Halstead of the all girl band Betty Blowtorch was killed in a car wreck the night before then that night a motorcyclist wiped out right in front of my house and I saw him lying there dead in the street.That was too much to take in one day.There better not be any more!!:(
I'm so so sorry to hear about this loss, Danny. Be strong and carry the torch on. Death is so permanent and hard to comprehend in a very real sense, but please be as strong as you can for your own health and for the memory of the fallen. Reach out, share love and be there for those who are still here on this Earth with you in your life today in honor of those who have recently departed. Much love to you Danny.
I'm so so sorry to hear about this loss, Danny. Be strong and carry the torch on. Death is so permanent and hard to comprehend in a very real sense, but please be as strong as you can for your own health and for the memory of the fallen. Reach out, share love and be there for those who are still here on this Earth with you in your life today in honor of those who have recently departed. Much love to you Danny.

Beautfiul stuff Linda. Well said with the right sentiment.

Reflections on death should be a celebration of that person's life, not just a solemn mourning of their absence. It's our job to carry on and honor that person's life energy by keeping it burning inside ourselves.

Spread love to all of those you hold dear. You never know when one of you won't be there to share it again.
