Another gear question

UniversalGenesisShock said:
What's the matter ladies, can't install your own pickups.:tickled: I think me and Toshiro are the only ones on the forum who did our own :blush:

It's guys like them that paid my bills back when I worked as a tech... :grin:

Changing pickups I understand, but you wouldn't believe the amount of people out there that can't even change their own strings without messing something up.. ;)
i can change the pickups and do the soldering. no biggie.. but i don't have the tools for routing the guitar to make battery cavities and all that.. anyway, i'd just rather not do it... i'll spend my time playing and recording, thank you. ;)
I'm looking to get a new guitar soon....My budget is around 400-600 range...I've been playing for about 2 years, so I'm not a beginner, I'm looking for a decent axe to play metal, and rock, but with a good clean tone...I know that depends on the pick-ups, but I'm just specifying what I'm looking for...
I'm really considering a Jackson, but I heard LTD's are good..And Ibanez's are good, but I don't really like the way they feel...What are you guy's opinions? Any other ideas you might have?
I agree with that James. Changing pickups has never been an issue with me really. Have always had kinda mid range geetars, but never the money to buy shithot EMG's or anything for my geetars, so it never happened. If it did though, I'd probably just put it in with a techie, just cause I'd prefer to be playing / recording :)
James Murphy said:
i can change the pickups and do the soldering. no biggie.. but i don't have the tools for routing the guitar to make battery cavities and all that.. anyway, i'd just rather not do it... i'll spend my time playing and recording, thank you. ;)

:rolleyes: All in good fun :rolleyes: