
Nov 11, 2005
Does anyone remember Another Life coming out with an album?? HA. Same story it seems. Ive even inquired about the demos on their site and no response, did they fall apart?
VIC supposedly is getting all their finished releases out very soon since they just finally got their distribution shit sorted out. So we'll see what happens with all the stuff that should have been out by now!
Hell, I was wandering too...
I allready payed the guys for the full cd, and sadly enough nothing yet.
But there would be good news too. There were talking about bringing out the full cd with a bonus cd or something.
Well, we'll just have to wait a little bit more, won't we.

To be continued !
It´s now exactly 2 years since I recorded the drums with Peter Damin for this record...time flies.
I have mixed 2 bonustracks for the album and they are cool. The album is still cool and quality is timeless, so....
but I am sure it will arrive within 6 months :)

Well.. This long wait was is very sad.. But I can't do anything about it. Sorry.

I have decided not to update the official another life site until I have the final information about everything.

As Dan wrote.. there are two new bonus tracks..
Hope you will like them. The will be released on the bonus cd that will follow "Memories From Nothing" also the two old demos will be on the bonus disc..

Andreas - Another Life
Cool that you're still alive and kicking, dude !
We're all waiting for the album to arrive, but I'm sure for you it'll be even more painfull.
No worries there, my friend. I'm sure it will be a kick-ass album. So looking forward to it !
See ya !
Oh man,

Now I have to call you a bastard, but a very nice one !
So that's why it's called a teaser... You're just teasing us.
I'm sure it'll be a fantastic album, can't wait. But no pressure anymore, it'll be even more of a surprise when it'll arrive.
Thanks !
As I´ve had 2 years now to listen to this masterpiece, aswell as the new songs I must say that it doesnt really get old. It´s still as good as when I first heard the songs.
So all u guys who preordered and are bummed the fuck out about VIC´s delays, you´ll be happy as hell when u finally get the stuff.
I`m sure that this will be great piece of music
I really hope that it´s going to be released in 2008 ;)

As I´ve had 2 years now to listen to this masterpiece, aswell as the new songs I must say that it doesnt really get old. It´s still as good as when I first heard the songs.

So you have heard these new songs from the memories from nothing album?