Another Mix for Critique

The editing is very rough during the break downs. Also it sounds like you are using passive pick ups and or no noise gate, I can hear POD farm feed back. The drum sound is fairly AA, it's very good (Care to share your process?). Maybe try backing the gain off a bit, there is no attack during the break down
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I didn't do any of the recording or editing, I just did the mix. Yeah now that I listen to guitars sound is a little weird, I'll have to fuck around with the tone some more. The drums are all slate, kick 10 just with some eq/compression, snare is called Noble and Cooley Alloy 6, with compression, eq, clipper, and reverb. Toms have compression, eq, and some maxxbass, but I'm gonna change them, i'm not too happy about how they sound at the moment. Thanks again for the advice!