Another new song (Engl Fireball)


Aug 28, 2006
hey guys just recorded another new track

same set up as before

guitars came out alot better than before, theres also some cheeky 12 string guitars in this one!

kinda recorded this on the quick side but reckon its sounding not to bad. Spellbound Knight.mp3

id love some comments on the track itself as its been a while in the works and im still uncertain about certain segments of the song.

cheers Spellbound Knight.mp3
Fuck! this sound great. Great guitar tone men. Love the composition too. But you have to automate some things. Sometimes your voice seems too low because of the strings.
yeah thats my weak point im afraid, i can never
get vocals to sit nicely in a mix so i usually just leave them dry and dont spend anytime on them, no matter if i use reverb or fx my vox just never blend into the mix ill maybe have to try a different mic next time.

yeah im fairly chuft with the tone probably my best yet
i think i could have used a bit less gain though, funny enough
i actually got this tone by killing all the speakers in my marshall cab
bar 1 (bottom left) and crankin it!
But that is a quick thing to fix. The voice fits well for this kind of music. Well you could add more mids to give more body to the voice but your problem is not so difficult as you think.
Your songs are awesome man, and the guitar tone is incredible. Nice and chunky with lots of clarity. Was that a home job? And your vocals remind me of Petri's from Ensiferum/Norther.
Yeah dude just recorded the lot in my bedroom, not really got much gear a shitty behringer mic preamp and an sm 57 mic.

use that for everything man! hopeing to get some better gear in the future though, got a decent amp the Engl Fireball (which gets slated to high heaven on this forum but i love mine)

defo going to use my mates beta 57 on vocals next time though.