new song (engl fireball, G12T-75, spector bass)


Aug 28, 2006
hey chaps here's a song i recorded for my band Cnoc An Tursa

some info;

Gibson flying v - 500T
Engl Fireball (eq was pritty much half way for everything)
marshall G12T-75 - 1x sm57
various sneap samples used for drums!
bass - spector NS-5H2-FM (direct no eq just some compression)
keys - nexus vst
vocals (sm57 again no pre or post eq just compression using voxengo Marquis Compressor)
Sonnox Oxford was the only tool i used in my master chain.

I think the overall mix and tone is fairly dark but it works i think :loco: Lion Of Scotland.mp3
Man that is a pretty nice tone! You might either want to bring the guitars up a tiny bit in the mix, or maybe add a bit of a high-shelf to help them cut through a little more. I think the tone sounds great by itself, and as you said, the mix is a little bit dark, but I think the mix itself would benefit a little more if you could make out the guitars a bit more with a bit more high end. The tone sounds really ncie and full though and I'm really impressed by it.

The drums sound very clicky but I think they work pretty well. I like the snare sound and those fills sound pretty nice too.

Cool stuff. :)
cool thanks man, yeah theres still alot going on in the mix thats not cutting through properly but id say im fairly happy with the mix ill give the guitar tracks a little more work with eq and see where i get with that.
That's pretty cool man. I dig the attack on those toms. Main criticism would be that the rhythm guitars sound a little buzzy to me at the moment. That might just be a by-product of the G12-T75 speakers, but it sounds like the guitars could use some more 'meat' in the mids. A fuller guitar tone would definitely audibly improve the mix I think. But good work all the same!
I think i made the mistake of recording 2 tracks using the top right speaker
and then another 2 tracks micing the bottom left speaker, it wasnt until i tested all 4 speakers a leter found out that the bottomleft speaker was the best of the 4 and the top right not so good, i may have to redo a couple of tracks or next time i record ill know better!
Oh man this song is SO AWESOME!

I'm glad I stumbled upon it!!

The production sounds fantastic too!

Could you by any chance let us know what snare and tom samples you used! Especially the toms! I've been tweaking my drum mixes a lot and I can never seem to find tom samples that work as well as yours!
the toms were cut from various albums so they arent full on hits so they r very gated sounding i had to to alot of work on em with reverb, il send u them if you like dude?

i have multi samples of the snare though and ill send u em aswell
that was a snare i created using various samples
mostly the sneap snare though also i tuned it a bit different too.
they r fully processed (with reverb n so on) so u wouldnt really
manage to change them much

send me a private message with ur email address man and ill get them to u ok
aww man Scottish metal ftw! Kick is slightly overpowering but i like this!