Another nutter with a gun :0(


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
Early day's yet...but i hope the coppers miss shot him a few times...what is it about hitting easy targets:mad: .
a good example of whats wrong with kids these days.

Guy was looking for his girlfriend. Wtf. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS HEARD OF THE PHRASE "MORE FISH IN THE SEA???"

Jesus, its like when the youngings break up the world is over, get over it cripes.
Seems he locked doors with chains and tested the security with false bombthreats. How ambitious of him, in a Adolf Hitler kind of way.

Let´s use racial sterotypes here. He was korean and studied at college. He of course must have been aming at becoming a scientist or at least be the random korean guy in a CSI-lab on TV. He could also have been a ninja.


Been like that for a while, man. Two of my schoolmates blew themselves away because their girlfriends dumped em. Chicks hold the power of LIFE and DEATH in either hand, but they never think they wield such tremendous authority over men.


Anyway, let's see if any of the racist bigoted homophobes in the big media make a fuss over this killer being Korean...

Remember the DC Sniper case and the LIRR gunman? They were homeys, breakin all rules about who can and cannot be mass murderers. Those useless college professors came up with "BLACK RAGE" to explain away the tragedy.

What now? ASIAN RAGE? Not likely. Its just a whack-job gone bananas. Why can't we let it stand at that without making a culture issue of it?


Meanwhile, the politicians are falling over each other about gun control. Every couple of years, we've gotta hear their righteous nonsense like an eery echo of the tragedy. I'm gettin tired of it.


Been like that for a while, man. Two of my schoolmates blew themselves away because their girlfriends dumped em. Chicks hold the power of LIFE and DEATH in either hand, but they never think they wield such tremendous authority over men.


A few years ago, a local legislator brought forth a proposal to change the law to allow persons with concealed carry permits to be able to carry on VT grounds. The president of the school championed the defeat of that proposal. I wonder if he still feels the same way about it?
As morbid as it sounds I kind of breathed a sigh of relief when they said he was Asian. I was thinking "oh great, another white serial killer maniac."

I just wish these pussies wouldn't kill themselves but I guess thats what you do when you have zero hope. Wonder if his major stressed him out, it was Engrish.
Problems with the L's.
As morbid as it sounds I kind of breathed a sigh of relief when they said he was Asian. I was thinking "oh great, another white serial killer maniac."

I just wish these pussies wouldn't kill themselves but I guess thats what you do when you have zero hope. Wonder if his major stressed him out, it was Engrish.
Problems with the L's.

that's sick... but accurate [the first part, at least].
we were talking about this at work yesterday afternoon, before a lot had been found out about the shooter. some giggling brain void piped in, 'I'LL BET HE WAS WHITE!'
thus, bringing me further embarrassment for my gender.
that's sick... but accurate [the first part, at least].
we were talking about this at work yesterday afternoon, before a lot had been found out about the shooter. some giggling brain void piped in, 'I'LL BET HE WAS WHITE!'
thus, bringing me further embarrassment for my gender.

Yeah, its true. Most people stereotype whitey as being a serial killing child molesting freak. So as odd as it seems I was surprised to see, not only was this Asian learned in the way of the gun, he probably is good at math and video games.
"You caused me to do this," the official quoted the note as saying.

Who? Rich kids? Women? The voices in his head?

Ahhh... silly me the answer is in my record collection...

The video games caused him to be desensitized to the violence he commited, and it also helped to increase his frags err kills by training proper shot placement

just kidding
just kidding

No yer not. Those video games are excellent training tools for creating zombie killers on the rampage. Good to see they're effectiveness is not limited to daydreaming. I'm sure the nerds who designed some of the most popular titles are scrambling to write up statements when the vultures from the media descend upon them.
