Internet snobbery......street thuggery


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
I going to try and be a little bit serious for a change!!!!!!.
This is one of my views now many will not agree or will take the piss but never the less I will carry on....
The world is going to shit.....The youth of today are stupid, ungrateful, rude , patronising, spoilt brats....brought up with everything they desire, of which there parents work hard for, which in turn is doing them no good at all...
you cant go to the shops (mall) without the older generation feeling intimidated, threaterned, or work hard in a manual job,back breaking work to feed there over weight faces, yet there still lippy to cops,teachers,elders i hope I'm not sounding like my Dad but fuck bring back national service, corporal punishment and a smack if you step out of i'm a father of three both my teenage kids work part-time as well as study they are polite,respectfull because i have taught them right from wrong and if/when they've miss behaved i have delt with it fairly and forcefully, i'm not saying beat the shit out of them just teach them respect.
not all are bad of course but i've just had a run-in with a gang of youths whom all fucked off pretty sharp when i showed a bit of 'come-on then have a go' i get visted by the police??????? :hotjump: .Instead of telling this bunch of robbing,dickwads to clear off the coppers LISERN to them!!!!I may of upset them.............hurt there feelings or some shit like that. now i no the worlds not a nice place and the Internet not real...but i see a pattern of these so called tough guys on the boards, i imagine them all to be early teens, extreamly overweight sitting in there rooms playing the internet tough guy's (trolling is it called?), now i've had a look at these wally's post and I think god help us all because if the shit ever kicked off world wars etc..these fuckwits will have to defend us ! fuck-no's what there kids will be like!!!!!!. :erk: . There is no real purpose of this rant, other than to get it of my chest, im just a bit pissed with all these tough fucks.
put them in the ring and then let the fun begin :headbang: :headbang: .

Respect, peace.......

thank god you got 4 more years....hope were not stuck with this soft fuck for much longer....
You're damn right!!! Want to be a little bitch Throw em' in the ring for a few rounds with someone half there size who knows the game.....Let them get good and fucked up and see if they still want to play there stupid games..

Nik....Did you see Klitchco knock out Danny Williams?? It was a joke!!!
Yeah, no argument from me...My dad would smack the hell out of me anytime I got out of line or did something stupid..Did I turn out bad?...Nope... I am working for the State of Michigan, I am on a first name basis with our Governor, I have a college degree and much respect for my elders on top of it and I am only 24. I would never be in the position that I am in now if it wasn't for my parents constantly pushing me and making me not settle for less. I am glad my dad would give me a beating now and again when I was out of line. I pretty much deserved it everytime and I have no hard feelings because of it. I have the ultimate respect for my father and mother( they are my best friends) and I know they just want the best for me. Good post Nik
everything except u forgot one thing.
kids need to learn more about their horigins and respect them. My so-called brother in law who's family is puerto rican thinks that spanish is a useless language that sounds stupid, yet the kid wants to go skate in spain and thinks that everyone will speak to him in english...but its not just him, its all the other ones, mainly the whites who thinks they're black and persecuted by the system, those need to be taught where they come from and where they should go!
I´m proud of my parents who taught me to respect others and at the same time think for myself, and I´ve never got beaten or grounded all my life (I got enough of that shit in school). Good point Nik!
excellent post. I too have had this rant. I usually get that I sound like my father. But it is truly a different generation and is our downfall in society that the ignorant spoiled brats get everything. Everything I have i have busted my ass for.

I agree....... this is all going to come back and bite us all in the ass ...We had a perfect example yesterday, all the kiddies decided they wanted to make Billy post on there board...There is no way in hell anyone of them would say the shit they said if anyone of us were standing in front of them........

About a year ago my wifes punk ass brother,all 130 pounds of him ,18years old with a attitude problem, decided to punch me in the face because I was telling him about respect for his sister, for me and my home. the decion we came to was I was going to press charges ,instead of beating his ass and going to jail myself, We got to the magistrates office and there the little bitch was....he signed a statement saying I punched him in the face ,had him down on the ground trying to beat him to death..(he didnt have a scratch on him)...well the magistrate looked at him and said do you want to press charges ? He said yes.....magistrate looked at me said you want to press charges......I said yes . the magistrate said your both going to jail.....

There is no way to teach these little bitches respect without getting in trouble yourself these days ..I didnt even touch the little bastard and I was going to go to jail to.....So I stood up and said OK lets go.....Magistrates Jaw hit the ground ,and my wifes brother started balling like a bitch....well long story short we ended up walking out of there a free man and a free boy because my wife talked me out of it...Now Im know as the asshole who tried to kill him......

what I wouldnt give to go back to that day.....I wouldnt have laughed at him when he hit me.............
Pretty good post, it sumes up what I feel exactly these days! I mean, I´m 26 and sometimes I can´t help feeling like an old man when I see the young spoiled brats these days...I remember when I was a kid I had the biggest respect for even those who where a year older, and now? Like two years ago, I was literally told to fuck off by some 8-year old kid in the institution I worked for. I thought I was gonna smack him down for a minute (something what his father ought to have done), but then I reconsidered because the brat just wasn´t worth the problems...I grew up being smacked down always when I did something just a little wrong, don´t see it as a bad thing.
But here's a little friendly advice.....Next time pound the shit outta him for a prolonged peroid of time, get everything that's bothering you out of your system and worry about the consquences later.....Because no matter what happens to you, that will be a beating that he more than likely he will NEVER
forget and believe it or not will do alot more good than pressing charges on him.

Just my two cents bro,

old school headbanger said:
I agree....... this is all going to come back and bite us all in the ass ...We had a perfect example yesterday, all the kiddies decided they wanted to make Billy post on there board...There is no way in hell anyone of them would say the shit they said if anyone of us were standing in front of them........

About a year ago my wifes punk ass brother,all 130 pounds of him ,18years old with a attitude problem, decided to punch me in the face because I was telling him about respect for his sister, for me and my home. the decion we came to was I was going to press charges ,instead of beating his ass and going to jail myself, We got to the magistrates office and there the little bitch was....he signed a statement saying I punched him in the face ,had him down on the ground trying to beat him to death..(he didnt have a scratch on him)...well the magistrate looked at him and said do you want to press charges ? He said yes.....magistrate looked at me said you want to press charges......I said yes . the magistrate said your both going to jail.....

There is no way to teach these little bitches respect without getting in trouble yourself these days ..I didnt even touch the little bastard and I was going to go to jail to.....So I stood up and said OK lets go.....Magistrates Jaw hit the ground ,and my wifes brother started balling like a bitch....well long story short we ended up walking out of there a free man and a free boy because my wife talked me out of it...Now Im know as the asshole who tried to kill him......

what I wouldnt give to go back to that day.....I wouldnt have laughed at him when he hit me.............
Man when I was a kid if I even looked at my mother or father in a weird way I got the shit slapped out of me.They never really hurt me but it was just enough to teach me right from wrong. Kids only learn through fear. I was always afraid of the ass woopin I would get from my pops if I fucked up as a kid.
bobo'c said:
Man when I was a kid if I even looked at my mother or father in a weird way I got the shit slapped out of me.They never really hurt me but it was just enough to teach me right from wrong. Kids only learn through fear. I was always afraid of the ass woopin I would get from my pops if I fucked up as a kid.
Yeah, that sounds pretty much like me too. Kids just have zero respect these days.. God, I do sound like my dad:loco: I think there was only one time that I actually talked back to my dad....Noticed I said 1 time, I got my ass beat good for that one...I think you are completely right Bobo, kids should have a certain fear of their parents. I think it made me a better person in the long run...You aren't as likely to do something bad if you know that there will be a good ol fashion ass kicking from your old man.
I feel if I wasn't brought up that way I'd be dead or in jail. My parents did th e right thing. I got little cousins that run around like fucking animals.Its their parents fault.They have no control at all and these kids just do what they want. I can't wait to see what happens when they are teenagers.
T_man357 said:
Nik....Did you see Klitchco knock out Danny Williams?? It was a joke!!!
T_dude you know why i still hate the fucking pro's...
my oldest boy has now stopped fighting due to upcoming much as it hurts me i gotta admire his i think lennon or some soft fuck said 'teach them right and let them lead the way'.
thanks all for support I sometimes think my views are stupid,sexist,slightly racists and well out of line but its good to know you guy's see them same sort of shit as i...esp cryptboy your only a kid yourself so not all is lost!!!Thanks.

Peace and fucking shit loads of beer on a saturday night.
I'm glad your boy chose school, I boxed for seven years and I know you've had your share of ringtime so we both know that school should be first...

There's no way about it, from the best fighters in the world to regular joes like us, everyone has there day!! I never would've imagined that Roy Jones or Mike Tyson hell even Holyfield would've been K.O.d by the fucking scrubs that did them in....But that's the game!!

I think your posts rock Nik! And if people don't like it...FUCK EM!!!
I'm pretty sure that alot of us like to read what you've got to say....
So keep up the good work.

nik said:
T_dude you know why i still hate the fucking pro's...
my oldest boy has now stopped fighting due to upcoming much as it hurts me i gotta admire his i think lennon or some soft fuck said 'teach them right and let them lead the way'.
thanks all for support I sometimes think my views are stupid,sexist,slightly racists and well out of line but its good to know you guy's see them same sort of shit as i...esp cryptboy your only a kid yourself so not all is lost!!!Thanks.

Peace and fucking shit loads of beer on a saturday night.