Terrorist decapitate an American and post video on the internet

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
I'm sure that most of you have heard the news by now, but I thought I should post this. A terrorist group in Iraq has posted a video on the internet of them decapitating an American hostage. Ogrish.com, a website filled with such videos, posted the video today. The terroirst group has threatend to do the same thing to another hostage in 24 hours.

Sick, twisted fucks! We need to decapiate them, and throw their fucking jawa heads at the other terrorists! These fucks will pay, I'm sure of it!
Like i have said before .............its to fuckin bad we are to "civilized" to stoop to there level...............cause I wouldnt mind seeing a bunch of sand monkeys hanging in the center of every city, I think the killing of those fucks should happen everyday with video on the web , of course....................
old school headbanger said:
I wouldnt mind seeing a bunch of sand monkeys hanging in the center of every city, I think the killing of those fucks should happen everyday with video on the web , of course....................
Right on brother! We should send the jawas the tapes of their buddies getting mutilated, just so they will see what will happen the next time they kill another hostage!
I see nothing wrong with a few well placed neutron bombs. Didnt have any qualms about killing civilians in previous wars. And I dont think you can completley crush an enemy playing by "rules" like "oh your in your stupid fucking mosque so we wont attack." Fuck that.

I said the other day, we need some westerners to kidnap muslims and start videotaping their executions. But I wouldnt expect that considering most western countries have been developing for years and have somewhat decent human rights. Unlike the muslim world which has lived in the fucking dark ages up till what, 30 years ago? Ive been there and it still seems that way. Who the fuck shits standing up..
We need some suicide bombers of our own. Start running into all of there places of worship.Fucking raghead fucking bugeaters.
I think we should just capture and execute these muslim fuckers on live TV ourselves. Make it a pay-per-view event. Sounds better to me then wrestling anyway.
mmmmm i dont think any of those ideas would help. Muslims have been decapitating people for over 2000years. showing it to others on tv woudlnt do shit. Only genocide would work at this point. Hitler threw the wrong people in the hoven 60years ago!
you know why the we dont have the same fighting spirt as the USA that beat the shit out of england in 1812? the same USA that brought down hitlers "war machine"? the same USA that (when they cornered) us nuked japan? Ill tell why we lost our spirt, because of these whiny pussy-ass hippie librals that are more concerned about the welfare of the enemy than our own, enemies are not to be treated civily! they belive in that why shouldnt we? our fore fathers are rolling in there graves right now because the strong country they fought to form is now nothing more than a bunch of cry babies. and it pisses me off that this country I love with all that I am is becoming what it is.
But the worst thing is-there can´t be done much about this really...I mean, what could anyone do to stop them from sawing people´s heads off? They said all the hostages had been dead...we´ve seen the family of the British guy crying for help to Tony Blair himself and he said no, I mean it was the right thing to do, you can´t negotiate with the bastards or can you? This is some serious issue, would Blair act differently if there was his own relative taken as a hostage? This is the scariest shit-nobody can do anything about it. You cannot kill every single Arab-even if you could nuke all the countries, there´s still plenty of them all over the world, studying on European universities, just like the 9/11 guys. You can only hope something bad doesn´t happen to you, to your friends, in your city, in your country. Nobody´s safe. That´s the biggest weapon of the barbarians.
ænimated said:
Yeah, it's not like we don't take over their country, shoot them and set their families on fire....
what ever dude........... DO you seriously think we would have invaded there countrys for no reason? If they left us alone and didnt hi-jack/bomb our planes, blowup our buildings and basicly start with this whole Jihad bullshit, do you really think we would have went to war with them?

You sound like the kind of fuck that if I came to your house and shit on the hood of your car ,you would be the kind of guy who would just clean it up and go about your buisness...........................
old school headbanger said:
what ever dude........... DO you seriously think we would have invaded there countrys for no reason? If they left us alone and didnt hi-jack/bomb our planes, blowup our buildings and basicly start with this whole Jihad bullshit, do you really think we would have went to war with them?

You sound like the kind of fuck that if I came to your house and shit on the hood of your car ,you would be the kind of guy who would just clean it up and go about your buisness...........................

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: Funny stuff :grin: :grin: :grin: