More internet tough guy bullshit...

This was taken from the Metal-Archives board:

Thats that DM organization run by Will Rahmer and some other people, they are on and so far i've distanced myself from the NYDM since they seem to be the thought police of the underground.

So essentially it's not only a vehicle of everyone loving one another, hand in hand promoting "S1Ck DeAtH MeTUHhL" they act as a mob.
Guitarmaster said:
This is a bit off subject - but still pertains to fighting. Last night my friends and I had the pleasure of viewing an encore presentation of the last UFC bout between, Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell.

Personally, I don't even like UFC. I never could retrieve any thorough enjoyment out of watching one of their programs - possibly because in the end, their roster is teeming with nothing more than (sloppy) street fighters. Guys that claim to have a background in a variety of martial arts, and never do you see any of them exhibit flawless skill, or impressive endurance, in the styles they state about how they so ferverntly studied.

The most significant element some of the UFC fighters have going for them is ... well ... they don't give a fuck. Their bodies are adjusted to absorbing immense pain - so I tip my hat off to them for that. The fact the majority in UFC can't fight is something that can be forgiven.

But, I strayed way off topic. All I wanted to say is - as much as Tito runs his mouth and claims to be the baddest - it was nice to see him get his ass handed to him so subtlely by Liddell.
Tito is the prime example of the typical UFC fighter: He can't fight well, he has pathetic foot coordination (watch this last fight and see), subpar endurance, however, he his tough.

I hated to see an aged veteran such as Ken Shamrock - who was actually an individual in UFC that could fight - lose to a unskilled punk as Tito. It's only a shame the fight didn't take place a few years earlier, when Ken was still thriving in his superior prime. Because let's face it, Tito wouldn't have lasted 3 minutes.
I love the UFC, and I saw that fight. I'm not a Tito Ortiz fan, so I was pleased with the fight. Ken Shamrock is my favorite fighter. It sucked he lost to Tito, but he knocked Kimo out in 60 seconds when he first returned a few months back.
Yea Ken Shamrock is a bad mother fucker. Sometimes it's not being tougher or a better fighter, but taking advantage of a single mistake. And sometimes that mistake can cost you the fight or your life depending on your situation.
Metal Reigns said:
That is so very true. Most people can't fight. And usually the ones who have been trained to try and find an alternative solution. If you got something to say, be a man and say it to their face. There are no rules to fighting or warfare when you are talking about kill or be killed. I personally kept from fighting a few times by merely striking the first blow to the knee. Can't stand. Can't fight. Those punks you speak of sound a whole lot like gang bangers who can't seem to take are of their own self and need their buddies to help them. If you can't take an ass beating then keep your mouth shut. Pretty simple really.
HEY! I was gonna say that.. 100% correct.
Cryptkeeper said:
I found out some info on out firends who sent that mail. NYDM means New York Death Metal. There is a "inner circle" called the NYDM Milita run by Will Rahmer of Mortician. They say they will send VADM, or Virginia Death Metal Militia members to the members of Arghoslents home, like they will be able to find their addresses. VADM is another gay "inner circle" of fags like NYDM. I would like to know what the "internet activites" they speak of are, and how their affilates are botherd.
NYDM ,, LMAO! Give me a fuckin break, what are these guys gonna do growl at you or bark?.?.?:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:
Buzzard said:
A funny thing is, pull out a knife or a bat and watch 8 tough guys shrink into 8 little pussies.
The S.O.D show at CB's. I think it was 2000? One guy decides to hit people in the back of the head when there dancing, He did it to me. I start dealing on him, 8 other fucks beat him down before I could really get my revenge. Not only is it unfair, it ruined my fun... Anybody got this show on tape?
Metal Reigns said:
Sometimes it's not being tougher or a better fighter, but taking advantage of a single mistake. And sometimes that mistake can cost you the fight or your life depending on your situation.

Excellent point.