Arghoslent Hate Mail

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
The hate mail this band recieves is fucking hysterical!

You have crossed the line. Expect physical retaliation if you set foot within the tri-state area. We dont like our bands or affiliates to be bothered with. We have sat back and watched your bogus internet activities for quite some time. Either they cease immediately or we send VADM members to your home in Va. to address you personally. Dont say you havent been warned."
From NY DM

"La concha de tu madre, la puta que te parió, hacete romper el orto con un poste de luz!!!!!!!!! [Translation: Your mother is a cunt, mother fucker, go fuck your ass with a lamppost!!!!!!!]"

"lastly it seems you imply that if one is to read Hemingway or Caeser that one will appreciate Arghoslent. Well I've read them. I've read many others Camus, Marquez, Seneca, Bogosian, O'Neil and you know what? Your great Arghoslent still sucks. Live with it. So fuck you very much for your opinion but I could care less about what racist and plblokto (go ahead, look it up! It's ok! use it in your next song!) Virginians have to say."
from Laurent Martini (Maelstrom Webzine)

"True musicians write to you ARGHOSLENT:
Dear lowlives:
We recently received your hate flyer, praising genocide, homophobia & imperialism. We also notice you are from Virginia, an incredibly sorry place. We suspect that, if you are long haired males, you will also be eliminated from the kind of society you praise. Also, if you wish to play music loudly, your tunes ill be turned off by the genocidal police force your praise. Apparently, you must not believe in music, because the society you support has none, in fact, all you imbeciles will see your entire lives is slavery. And, yes, it is YOU who will be the slaves! That is what you are already! Sorry twats, wise up & target the Christian male oppressors (the ugly-ass dorks) who no one would fuck in a million years. Homos could be your best friends, so stop justifying your parents' pathetic behaviors!
Your band's nonsense could be funny if only we knew you were joking (which we don't)."
from North Bay, California (no return address)

"hey, i dont like you and your musicx, you are brutal, sick, homophobic and racists, i spit on you you are only sick beasts"
from loul boulabi

"shove your arsenal of glory up you ass, idiot"
from gay brandon

"how does it feel to be a bastard ? (i.e. an american)"
from N. E.

"Hi, Vampiria Records don't support this kind of bands and ideology..."
from Baron Von Causatan

"fuck you, you brain-amutated asshole!"

"FUCK YOU !!!!"
from Krzysztof "Warzbinski"

"You are the kind of person that gives the Underground a bad name with their whingeing and closed minded attitudes...My suggestion would be to keep focused on what you are doing yourself."
from Julie Weir (Visible Noise/Cacophonous)

"Thanks for signing the guestbook, amusing reading I must say...and, we have sold over 40.000 CDs in the USA alone since 1994, so if you try to tell me "everybody" is laughing at us, hmmmm, o.k., at least they’re paying for it !"
from: "Aphazel Of Ancient"

"up yours!!!!"
from Sara Finnis

"It was a mistake...You just want in our e-mail list REAL METAL WARRIORS!!
Not holy-core-shit-nazy-gay-core bands!!! You were REMOVED from our list.
We are the proud from Brazilian Metal Lands!! "The meek shall never inherit the earth,,,""
from Northern Brazilian band MYSTIFIER Beelzeebubth (The Black Pearl from Hades)
Atlas Shrugged said:
Also, if you wish to play music loudly, your tunes ill be turned off by the genocidal police force your praise.
Nazi Germany was quite big on music, wasn't it? Something to look into methinks -_-

I can't decide whether to post in this thread or the other one :err: hmmm...I've listened to Incorrigible Bigotry once so far. It was ok. If I get me a new record player/needle it'll get more regular spins for certain...
Who the fuck would bother to write a email to a band that maybe sells 10,000 records?

I like em, doesnt mean I'm a member of the KKK, I just like their music.

And if we are not to listen to music that is racist, I guess Wagner should be erased and god knows how many other greats who were racist as it was a far different era in the 18th century than today.
read the interviews. the dude has some good points, and some asinine ones.

I like the music, but unlike some, I don't see it as classic. Though, they are one of the better death metal bands with melody that I've heard.
You have crossed the line. Expect physical retaliation if you set foot within the tri-state area. We dont like our bands or affiliates to be bothered with. We have sat back and watched your bogus internet activities for quite some time. Either they cease immediately or we send VADM members to your home in Va. to address you personally. Dont say you havent been warned."
From NY DM

This NYDM gang actually exists. They have all the Hell's Angels matching style jackets and all. Seen them at a few shows around here.
I thought that DM stood for Death Metal though ... hmm
They are actually a bunch of older guys, late 20's or so.
Definetelly not hardcore kiddies.
speed said:
Who the fuck would bother to write a email to a band that maybe sells 10,000 records?
True. Also, screaming at them and writing threatening hatemail isn't going to make them change their views.

Hmm... death metal. Are they hot guys? Maybe I can personally change their points of view on some stuff. hehe.
mousewings said:
True. Also, screaming at them and writing threatening hatemail isn't going to make them change their views.
It will generate a good bit of publicity though!

Maybe it's a conspiracy...? :err:
*gasp* A gimmick!?!?!? No way! I mean, they aren't trying to offend people for attention now are they?

Eh' their ideas aren't too far fetched. I don't think they are looking for attention. They just truely hate alabama porch monkeys.

On a related note. I just received an email reply by a member of the band. Galloping through the battle ruins will be re-released in the future! :kickass:
They've been saying it's going to be re-released for a while now.

Yeah, and I dont think it's a gimmick. It's not like their getting massive attention.
Yea, if they were going for a gimmick they would probably make it more overt/extreme and marketable. Seems like just good old southern racists to me.
Errrm...I never said it was a gimmick :p I was suggesting that the anti-Arghoslents are actually in league with the band to generate publicity and turn the world white :loco: Yeeesh, can't I have a bit of fun anymore?!
It's gotta be tough believing in something, but only growling incoherently about it in music where only 25 people will ever read the lyrics in legible print. What else are they doing to promote their cause?

Is it just an anti-black thing, or are they slightly more deeper rooted into the whole Timothy McVeigh crowd?

I guess at least the Norwegian black metal folk actually went through with what they preached back in the day. You can't accuse them of being pussies for burning down those churches or stabbing people in the forest, that's pretty much putting your money where your mouth is.

What's that Ishahn quote that Erik sometimes mentions? "It was an altar of Christ so it had to be burned to the ground"....or something like that.