another pointless review

At least they speak of the album and say it's good in its genre, it can arouse the curiosity of some people. better than nothing innit ?
cedarbreed said:
At least they speak of the album and say it's good in its genre, it can arouse the curiosity of some people. better than nothing innit ?
To be honest, no. What genre for a start? I dont like the idea of 100s of promo CDs going to waste like. I may as well send them to a tennis journalist or so.
Strangelight said:
To be honest, no. What genre for a start? I dont like the idea of 100s of promo CDs going to waste like. I may as well send them to a tennis journalist or so.

Ah yeah considering this point, you're right. I don't know if this guy's webpage is often visited on top of that. But it's part of the game when you send a CD to be reviewed, it can get bad reviews sometimes. Thouhg the point there is that it's not a bad review, it's just an EMPTY review :lol:
yeah, empty, ridiculous review imo. well it's only 5 sentences like, filled with comparisons as Dunc already said. You should do a list to note the mags and sites you don't need to send a promo anymore in the future
cedarbreed said:
Ah yeah considering this point, you're right. I don't know if this guy's webpage is often visited on top of that. But it's part of the game when you send a CD to be reviewed, it can get bad reviews sometimes. Thouhg the point there is that it's not a bad review, it's just an EMPTY review :lol:
Ah I dont mind negative reviews if they have a point like. Anyway, Im into the concept of reviewing reviews. I dont see the point of copying bits what a biog says, then just filling the rest with cop-out comparisons. Lacuna Coil?
That review gets just 1 battle-axe from me :lol:
Strangelight said:
Ah I dont mind negative reviews if they have a point like. Anyway, Im into the concept of reviewing reviews. I dont see the point of copying bits what a biog says, then just filling the rest with cop-out comparisons. Lacuna Coil?
That review gets just 1 battle-axe from me :lol:

Agreed !
I think the guy had a ton of CD's to review and just decided to neglect this one ...
cedarbreed said:
Agreed !
I think the guy had a ton of CD's to review and just decided to neglect this one ...

yeah but at least you can do the effort to put something in it, at least something funny, a pun perhaps :ill:

do you also get 10-15 cd's a month arnaud? a friend of mine does. he makes us listen to the crap and then we try to think of what he could write about it. it isn't easy

but hey:
duncan who gets these promos all? do you decide? (did rif raf - free belgian magazine get one?)

what other groups are ambient rock? what's ambient rock? i'd like to know since i'm this fan of it.
siderea said:
yeah but at least you can do the effort to put something in it, at least something funny, a pun perhaps :ill:

do you also get 10-15 cd's a month arnaud? a friend of mine does. he makes us listen to the crap and then we try to think of what he could write about it. it isn't easy

but hey:
duncan who gets these promos all? do you decide? (did rif raf - free belgian magazine get one?)

what other groups are ambient rock? what's ambient rock? i'd like to know since i'm this fan of it.

Well, i'm very busy with the webzine nowadays. We get more and more cd's to review and i must have reviewed at least 10 or 15 CD's this month. You can add interviews, live reports and promo to this :ill:
So far I've bashed only one or two albums that were obvious pretentious utter crap, but if don't feel like writing about an album or just think I'm not the best one to talk about it, I give it to another reviewer and I don't write an empty review or copy/paste the band's biography, that's so lame !
i remember when you got bands on the free cd with the mags. so you got that page in the magazine about the cd where they praise all the bands, then you see some of these bands getting thrashed in the reviews haha.
Strangelight said:
can anyone tell me, as I dont bother reading music mags anymore, but do you ever see a band get a bad review but still get a one or two page feature in the same mag?

never seen that happen...
A little off-topic, but in my reviews, i always try to point out that it's just my 'humble' opinion and I never claim something to be the absolute truth, that's the problem with some so-called journalists.
I very rarely buy music mags, but I bought this one half a year ago, mighty magazine, because it was dead cheap, 4 euros and had 2 cds with it, one was with demos sent in to them. Was dead funny, they reviewed the songs in the mag and they axed most of them, saying stuff like: "This is the kind of recording you could put on when you have a party to give everyone a good laugh", "..will be sucking cock in hell for making this ridiculous demo". Made me laugh.