Another question for Dan


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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I was wondering Dan if you have spoken to Jon Nodtveidt of Dissection since his release from Jail? If so, any plans to work with him on a project/production of an album?

Firefest9 said:
I was wondering Dan if you have spoken to Jon Nodtveidt of Dissection since his release from Jail? If so, any plans to work with him on a project/production of an album?

I hope not.

You have no idea how disgusted I am with the idea that Nodtveidt was let out of jail, let alone able to pick up his music career.

Scandinavia needs the electric chair.

I haven't spoken to Jon in about, what is it, like 7 years???
Maybe we'll bump into each other at some festival or so...we were never friends, but we got along well once we worked together.

He is the founder of the band 'Dissection' and he was in jail for murder. Sorry don't know the full details, maybe someone else who knows more can give us the full story.
In July 1997 Jon Nodveidt and a guy named Vlad killed a 37-year old homosexual Algerian named Josef Ben Maddour and on the 7th of July Jon was sentenced to 8 years in prison and Vlad to 10 years. Vlad was also wanted for another murder and mutilation of a teenage girl. I also had heard he had built an aresenal of weapons and explosives with this same guy with a terrorist plan in mind.
As someone who is a huge Dissection fan, I agree very much with the poster who stated before that Jon shouldn't have been let out of jail. It's a shame that it seems Jon was caught up in such a stupid act of intolerance. It really sucked because I was like 16 when I started listening to Dissection, and a month before he gets arrested I'm like THIS IS THE GREATEST BAND EVER!!! And then no more albums for 7 years, on top of the fact that someone I admired very much for their music turns out (presumably by his actions) to be a bigot.

Hopefully he'll use his freedom now to make amends for what he did, and release some good music.

And no. Norway does not need the death penalty. Take it from an American. :Spin:
From the story I heard, neither Jon nor Vlad ever admitted guilt. They turned on each other under interrogation, each blaming the other. The police could not prove who did it with their conflicting testimonies. They each ended up with 8 years.
The Neckless Lobster said:
Jon was only an accessory in the murder, wasn't he?

He stood idle and watched Vlad kill the guy, from what I heard. That's still really bad. I don't know if Norway has good samaritan laws (I think it was in Norway that this happened, anyway), but he basically got busted for letting his friend commit hate crime / murder. What's more outrageous is that Vlad only got 10 years for first degree murder and a hate crime. You'd get the death penalty in the US for that (where states allow, anyway).
No disrespect, but what is with Scandinavia and their frighteningly short jail sentences(compared to the US, of course)?

My ex-gf was from Norway, and she told me that murder gets a max of 20 something years. Now, this?