Another question for the vocalists out there


Master Exploder
I think it was Wrathy that asked a question about vocals not too long ago, and I have another one. :)

I am sitting here listening to B L A Z E and I am wondering how people can dis this guys singing. To me, this guy can sing, and I love his vocals, but alot of people say he sucks, and alot of people say he just can't sing! I was wondering what your take on it is, from a professional point of view?
Simply put, 'Arry can only write for Bruce - it was WAY out of Blaze's range and you can definitely hear the difference when you listen to his solo albums!

Blaze hasn't got a huge range but he uses what he has well when the vocal lines fall within his comfort zone. Although, you can tell by listening that he may have a little trouble with his pitching sometimes... I'd say he had more than a few takes on his own stuff in the studio to get it right...

At the end of the day, it's not what kind of amazing range or technique you have, it's really how you use it. I can name half a dozen singers with textbook technique or a monstrous range (as big if not bigger than the likes of Kiske, etc.) but suck big hairy unwashed genitalia stylistically-wise! Then there's guys like Blaze who are exactly the opposite of that, but his vocals work in the right context extremely well!

There ya go - my professional opinion! HAHA!
Hmm, thats sort of what I figured, as it is obvious that his range isn't as big as Bruce's, so he strains a bit on the Maiden material, but when he is doing his own thing he does it well.
Even though his vocals on TXF are probably the weakest he has done, I still really like them, and think they fit the darker mood of the album well.

Thanks for shedding some light LT! :)
If Andy Sneap had produced The X Factor and Virtual XI (or even just produced the vocals) then those albums would have sounded so much better.
I agree with that stuff Tim said about how it is the wya you use your technique or talent that counts. Blackie Lawless and Alice Cooper are great examples, and Paul Stanley too. Their voices just sound brilliant and suit their bands' music so well.
Blackie is pretty bad live though, what with all his jumping around and stuff, from what ive heard Blaze is pretty good :D
Alice - the ultimate performer? Definitely? :worship:

Yes he does have a distinctive voice that he uses well with his band (or does his band use themselves well with his voice?) ... but he puts on a hell of an overall performance that few can match.

In other words - the dude gives you bang for your buck when you pay to see him live.