growling and clean singing

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
i noticed since other people were wondering about how mikael can growl and sing clean.... welll its very simple.... i am a vocalist this is what i did... i screamed alot...screamed screamed screamed fucking like a maniac.... eventually... i could scream all day long and my throat would not be sore 1 bit... enabling me to sing any clean vocals...... so when i play live with my band i can scream and then when we have clean parts i dont hav eto worry about my throat...... i cant see another method of singing and creaming.... maybe mikael does do something different but i doubt it... it sall about practice
This is the theory I have. Mikael's growl is a very deep growl that is produced more from the abdomen area and therefore puts alot less strain on the throat. In most black metal vox, it's a much throatier sounding growl. Higher pitched and produced obviously in the throat. This puts more strain on the voice box and therefore ability to switch easily to clean vox.

Obviously practice plays a huge part in achieving this though.
All my practice so far indicates that I'll most likely destroy my throat completely before I figure out how to produce sound that comes "more from the abdomen area", but I WILL NOT GIVE UP, at least not until I can growl the line "passing swiftly through the moor" or perhaps "it was all true" without sounding like I'm desperately trying to swallow a cactus! :)
I totally agree with Silhouette's theory. One thing I've learned over the years is that by not smoking, you get a better, crisp Anyway, I've come up with a list of different growls/screams/etc styles:

1.pure growl: standard death metal bands
2.semi-growl: Entombed, Sepultura, etc. metal screech: standard black metal bands
4.screeching 'bitchy' style: Cradle of Filth
5.'screaming' screech: At the Gates
6.screaming into growl: Obituary

heh heh... did I miss anything?
LOL! Screeching 'bitchy'?? :o

Not the first time I've heard that. I'll stand by that Dani had a decent voice on Principle of Evil Made Flesh, but it all went downhill. Live, he can't scream as high or talk/growl nearly as low. Mikael does it all. *yay*

And growling can't ONLY come from the abdomen, there's nothing there to create the vibration necessary. So the throat is still going at it, but the abdomen does produce the sound.

I've got a bizarre question.. What's with the 2nd vocalist on Pantera's Trendkill album? My friend made me listen to it, and this "Seth" guy (as he's credited in the notes I think) has a nifty voice, if I recall (this was months ago)..
Originally posted by Duvall

And growling can't ONLY come from the abdomen, there's nothing there to create the vibration necessary. So the throat is still going at it, but the abdomen does produce the sound.

Yeah, I was just saying that some growls come more from the abdomen.

But y'know, you're statement isn't entirely true. I can tell u that my abdomen growls soley by itself when I'm hungry :grin:
I don't sing, so I don't know how he does it, but in all of my years listening to music, I don't think I've ever heard a singer able to pull of two extremes of vocals like Mikael does.
If you mean the extremes are clean vs death vox then I have to point out clean vox is all about practice. I guess the death growl also needs some practice, but maybe not everyone can do it. Anyone can sing clean vocals though.

I think bass growl vs "bitchy" screech are more opposites