Another reason why Italians rule...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
This is a girl that lives close to me...

She's drunk and stupid in this video, but it's fucking hilarious.


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You know that girl!?!? she's in my wet dreams since i saw that video a year ago!
You know that girl!?!? she's in my wet dreams since i saw that video a year ago!

LOL! I don't know her personally but she lives in Sacile, which is a city close to Pordenone. I've seen her around before, but that's it.

I was joking about the commie thing, anyway. I don't know if she is or not, although my friend who knows her and told me about this vid is a commie, but not socialist commie or anything like that...he's old fashioned, fucking commie, LOL! Very idealistic, thinks that the world would be great if everyone were paid the same wage and everyone were equal, etc. There are too many idealists here who have yet to move out of their parents' houses, so while I may disagree with some of their views, I can never take them seriously. It's like listening to children tell you they want to be an astronaut when they grow up. You're like, "Yeah, ok. Good luck with that...yeah right." They're so innocent and's so cute.