Anthem Blue Cross can suck my @SS!!!!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
:Shedevil: Sorry, I just had to vent. How do they justify jacking up rates 39% for NOTHING??? THEN the annual price hike comes later! Time to start insurance shopping. F* Anthem!!!!!! :Shedevil:
I understand your anger. I had Blue Cross, until they repeatedly jacked up rates and diminished coverage. Also they charged me for smokers rates years after I quit, even with a doctors evaluation and confirmation. In my age bracket with my health issues in Idaho ... options are very limited.

Finally, I was able to get in Blue Shield, same coverage, much more affordable. For many years I had them, until this last signup period when they jacked up their rates considerably. At least now, we have a couple more options and for me, Tru Blue HMO w/drug coverage was the most affordable, considering my future will require too many expensive medications.

It is all just a bad joke on the backs of all of us. It all runs on actuarials and probabilities, but bottom line there is too much waste and fraud, we all don't cost that damn much. They need to run a better system and yes ... everyone needs to be onboard paying their way, so the overall costs approach something affordable. Also Doctors need to be able to provide appropriate medical service without endless expensive tests and ambulance-chasing lawyers breathing down their necks.
Damn Linda! If I knew you were that kinky into sucking ass I would have hit on you a long time ago!
Damn Linda! If I knew you were that kinky into sucking ass I would have hit on you a long time ago!

Wow, you must still be drunk from your last thread.

Good news indeed Tommy! Thanks for the headzup! At least I don't have to rush to get new insurance before the 1st of the month now. Geez. Sayonara Anthem!!!!
Over the last 7 years or so my rate increased 200% with my deductible increasing x5. No health issues. Just sickening. Just wait til people start dropping them, then what are they going to do?
... the answer is obvious, they will file bankrupcy, pay their Executives giant Golden parachutes, change their name and get govt Stimulus funds to pay top Executives to bring the company back into profitability.

Meanwhile we ain't getting jack shit.

Bastids ... there ought to be a law.
Me and the missus got hit this year, too. My rates went up with my employer, and her benefits went down with hers. We decided not to be on the same plan with one employer since it is cheaper for each of us to be on our plans. I'm even considering dropping my plan since I'm covered by the VA as a vet. Of course, with the VA, you get what you pay for! :lol:
:eek: Look what the cat drug in! Heya Ryan.

I tried the VA, but they were too broke to even make a new Vet card after my first finally broke. In these trying times, with so many disabled vets, there is barely enough to keep the doors open.
:eek: Look what the cat drug in! Heya Ryan.

I tried the VA, but they were too broke to even make a new Vet card after my first finally broke. In these trying times, with so many disabled vets, there is barely enough to keep the doors open.
It's been a while. I've been busy the past two years and haven't been to the boards much or trading much. I see the band has changed quite a bit. I hope a new tour in the PacNW is in the making soon!
... the answer is obvious, they will file bankrupcy, pay their Executives giant Golden parachutes, change their name and get govt Stimulus funds to pay top Executives to bring the company back into profitability.

...welcome to who owns you and the government. :)

99.9% of americans will never figure this out. They still think politicians are solely there for them (lol!)

Mine is annoying as hell. Monthly fee isn't too bad, but then we have to pay the first $1500 out of pocket fully before any coverage kicks in. *SIGH* Oh and no prescription plan. I hope you find something good, Linda. Healthcare companies are out of control in this country. Pitty politicians on both sides don't care about the people, just getting re-elected.
Wow this sucks.

But then I am kinda used to a free health service.
Not what it used to be though, we pay for prescriptions, but our neighbours in Scotland and Wales dont. Go figure!

Many people here opt to go private and to be honest I dont see what the fuss is about. Why pay for something to replace something we are paying for with national insurance contributions from our wages?

Its weird though, over here the anser to everyhting is your weight, whether you smoke or if you drink. If they ever met someone who was slim, didnt smoke or didnt drink I dont think they could diagnose their condition!

As for waiting lists....nah I was diagnosed with an eye condition at approx 2pm on a wednesday I was having surgery at 8am the Thursday morning.

Oh and forgive me for laughing but the blue cross in the UK is an animal hospital :lol:
I got canadian & us health insurance and tijuana 2 hours south of me. When it comes to health, I don't want to take any chances. I don't trust most plans if something happens and now you require service - they always try to find ways to stiff you.

Annoying, but hey, still better than being in a country where that 5-star health care isn't even an option.

OMG did you hear about the investigation they've been doing at the consumer protection on BC for the last year? About 700 issues they will be fined on at $10,000 a pop. I hear good things about Blue Sheild but not all my docs accept it, tho even less accepted Blue Cross anymore. o_O