Anthrax # 41 on VH1 Most Metal Moments

Apr 3, 2004
Their metal momenet was when the boys went to a MTV contest winners house, and "trashed" her house, and they also mention the Anthrax apperence on Married with Children.
I thought one of them would of been when they played with Public Enemy & Invented Rap/Metal.

But to this day every fucker says that bands like Limp Bizkit & fags like that invented it :err: :err:
I Don't Die said:
I thought one of them would of been when they played with Public Enemy & Invented Rap/Metal.

But to this day every fucker says that bands like Limp Bizkit & fags like that invented it :err: :err:

The show is 100 most metal moments, and as huge an Anthrax fan I am, I always disliked that song. Way too cheesy for a metal band.
I think they're ashamed of inventing that.

As big a fan that I am, I wouldn't have Anthrax come to my house to trash it.

I would have them over for a barbecue. I had one last night and it got out of control. A scuffle, girls in short short skirts, binge drinking, gello shooters, good eats, etc. Oh, and I played "Safe Home" on the acoustic and six people sang along.