Anthrax and Faith No More

Mar 4, 2002
After reading the "Albums You've Listened To Most" thread it's apparent we have some hardcore Faith No More fans here, myself included. It's not just on this board, but it seems a lot of metalheads are Faith No More fans too. I was wondering what you all think the connection is between being fans of both bands, considering that their sounds are nothing alike. What draws metalheads in general to Faith No More?
I'd say they both took chances in what they did with their music and Faith No More does have some heavy guitar in some songs, so the whole loud thing is going on.

We Care A Lot!!!
Yeah I've often thought that about FNM. There's not a lot of people into all forms of metal - thrash, death and black metal even, that dont seem to like FNM. Weird. Same with Tool - they just seem to command some form of respect.
I've always liked FNM. I saw them play two or three times. My brother Daniel will tell you about some of the pics of me and them when I was like 17 or 18. I was with a shaved head and long ass goatee back in those days.
Both bands have a unique sound that bucks the trends, and were able to successfully mix heaviness with awesome melodies and musicianship. Mike Patton is the most dynamic vocalist in the history of rock, and Anthrax's rythym, groove, and song structures are legendary.

If you appreciate trendsetting talent, you love both bands. Which leads me to my next point----neither band ever got their due regarding their influence of the mid-late 90's music scene.
i think both have not the typically metalstyle. i think they have this little bit more fun in their musik. and they do not this "we are a metalband and we are evil"
so i hope here are no manowar fans... take a look at their hp... the pics of the fans are brilliant :)
Faith No More is awesome. I remember hearing them for the first time and I was like "whoa what the hell!" It's kinda not your "normal" metal, whatever that is LOL. They are just good musicians. I wish they would get back together, Patton said it wouldn't happen with him.

There have been times when FNM was my favorite band over Anthrax. Was a sad day for me when they called it quits. Too bad Patton just makes noise now instead of music. Why the hell haven't they put out their stuff on dvd? I'd kill to have a live dvd concert from their Angel Dust era.
dutchy said:
I don't consider myself as a metalhead, I just happen to have a good taste in music:)
fav FNM album "king for a day........"

Yeah, someone asked me "why I liked metal?" The other day, and it dawned on me that I am not at all a metal head, I just like a hand full of metal bands, and I like them a lot. I also like a lot of old punk bands, but I'm far from a punk rocker. I also listen to some hip-hop, mope rock, classic rock, yadda, yadda, yadda. I like Slayer, Anthrax, Pantera, and Testament hard core, but I'm not the guy with long hair, spiked jewelry, a bad education, and a job at the 7-11, ya know.
it's because Mike Patten is insane.
and that is cool.
it is also "metal" to be crazy, right?
Go Patten!!! Mr. Bungle rocks!!!
LOAroberto said:
What is Faith no More's:

Best Album?
Worst Album?
Heaviest Album?
And in their case Weirdest album?

I think their best and heaviest album was 'King for a day...', Weirdest album is Angel Dust, i saw them live here in Oz on the Angel Dust tour!!! Did they have a worst album???
I never got into FNM, but Tool.............Maybe it's the name. I love Tool! Yea, that's it...........Wait, no, 'Schism' makes me start sniffing around like a dog in heat. I love that song. Gets me goin'. Bottom line, I love Tool. :D