Anthrax at The Whisky

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
THEY OWNED tonight!!!
grand show...abso-fuckin-lutely spectacular!
After the show, the boys were nice enough to let the people that had pre-ordered the DVD (which I attended the screening for the night before), stay at the venue and they signed and greeted everyone. Rob, John and Charlie remembered my sister from the night before (she was the one that just asked for a hug). They could not have been nicer. Got my booklet for the DVD signed by the boys... AWESOME!
The crowd was SOOOO loud that John, Scott, Rob and Joey were smiling the whole time (I'm too short and I was very close, so I couldn't see Charlie).
Hella show! And the T-shirts were just $10!:worship:
Ahh, it was heavenly! I felt like the lil schoolgirl I AM! tehehe
But seriously... guau... definitely moved Anthrax up my favorites list, and the guys could not have been any more down to earth. It was all too, too good!
Hugs all around!
umm... slowly! hehe
hard to get materials... lots of ppl promising help... and i'm waitin'!
but what can you do? do it yahself! so i'm on it, since i'm on spring break this week... workin' over-time, woo hoo! I'll keep you posted!