anthrax avatars

heres one for dutchy

Originally posted by redeyes
Thra:rofl:ude i dont know if you noticed, but your boobs are moving slightly in the avatar i did


Oh, I noticed. Thanks. But I'll have to wait to put that up. The current Notchick is on my brother-in-law's website. I can't put the one you made up yet.
Thanks again.
Originally posted by redeyes
You gotta right click the picture and then hit save as, now you have the file. After that you gotta find a place to host it or run your own webserver. Last step is putting the URL into your profile avatar.

ok sure

Yea it was hanging out in my window sill, and my girlfriend freaked out and wanted me to kill it. Naturally I kept it because its huge, and a female.


its pretty good as it, maybe ill add a little flair

i dont know any place to host my avatar or anything about adding one to my webserver so maybe you can make me one the cover of among the living would be a cool one
cool avatars redeyes....
i get bored sometimes and make a cheap avatar and sig once in awhile (like i have now)

somethin to do on a rainy day ;D
please please please can you maybe make some of these avatars a size of 79x79 max?! I want to use it on another forum but the max is just what I mentioned! I love the state of euphoria one!
what about doing one for me on here and giving me the url for it redeyes?

all you have to do is right click on the avatar and click properties, that will give you the URL

you can also right click the avatar and click
save picture as, which will save the avatar to your hard disk

its best if you then take the file and put it on your own webspace because im not sure how long my will be around for

for the moment you can just use my url eg.
sorry mate its in the first post. You posted on
February 19th, 2003 06:46 AM

its the picture of the face swirling. I cant mind what the name is for it. I thought it was Anthrax's "motto". or mascot.