Anthrax Behind The Music Preview At Vh1 Dot Com!!!!!

After reading the comments by the producer, I'm a little more excited to see it. Seems like she really got to the heart of what the band is all about and why their fans like them. Should be a good show. Thanks for the heads up, TD....

I can't get the clips to play properly (windows media player and macs don't like each other much) How do they look??? What does Scott have to say? I'm sure if I actually tuned into Vh1 they are showing commercials, but I don't watch much tv other than lakers games and the simpsons. letterman if i am still up.
*In the first clip Scott talks about where they got the name Anthrax from, he talks about how too many bands back in the day wanted to be named after either Judas Priest or Iron Maiden type word, "Like the dreamer!" he says that every band had a ER name and they didn't want a ER name, and nobody knew what the hell Anthrax was, and it sounded metal! So they choose Anthrax, OFCOURSE! He also mentions that his uncle or relative(can't remember now!) even had a old cow skull with the Anthrax logo stratched on it and people still didn't know what Anthrax was!

*Scott also talks about motivation, he mentions that money is not the Anthrax motivation, the real motivation is playing in a band and getting to jam records and play live shows! Intense!

*He also talks about the first tour who the band and the three member crew had to share a van and motel rooms, sharing one room, but he also mentioned that it was actually fun! Says he wouldn't want to do it again, but it was cool!
I am definitely getting that if it comes out on DVD. I've got the VTM Megadeth dvd and its really good.
So what got left out of the Megadeth DVD?? I know they spent a lot of time on the one on TV talking about Megadeth and drugs and not a whole lot of anything else. How long is it and did they really leave a lot out? I'm just wondering because I'm not going to buy it if it's like another 10 minutes or something like that. I saw it last night, but I wasn't too sure about it. I'll buy the Anthrax one whether they add to it or not though.
Brat: it is actually worth picking up if you like Megadave. They elaborate ALOT more on the last 2 or 3 records, and there are more "horror" stories from the road. It really just makes the edited version that we saw seem incomplete. I watch it when alot when I sit around drinking and doing drugs!!!!:p
Yeah, the one I saw was kind of gay the way the left out a lot of what I know happened and thought was important. It's like they skipped right over a lot, didn't even have Nick Menza on, I know they (Megadeth) doesn't control that, but I'm saying the show as a whole just seemed like it was missing so much. I was gonna get it last night but got Jay and Silent Bob Strike back instead. I also got Tarzan for my son (since they had no CDs I wanted) and then my husband got some porno thing or some shit. LOL I don't pay attention.

On a cool note, they actually had 2 copies of Killer A's DVD. Now, there were 3 when I bought mine, but it's at least cool to see it sitting on a shelf. It's even facing you (some are turned so you just see the side of it and therefore can skip right past it). I also saw 1 each of the re-issues. I was pissed yesterday (at myself) cause I read the producer's notes wrong and I thought it said that Vol 8 was gonna be re-released this summer and I got all excited and read it again and it said something like Vol 8 was the last one and the new one will be released this summer. I got all happy for nothing LOL. Oh well. Next time I won't read it so fast. The notes were pretty cool, it kind of sounds like they have extra shit so maybe they will put out a DVD with everything?? That would rule!!