Anthrax Cover


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Right guys, I wanna record a cover of Anthrax's Got The Time. Good old school track :headbang: , I'm gonna be tracking guitars, Funky Animal is doing drums, I'm trying to get Seizure on bass. But I'm also gonna need someone to do vocals, so anyone who thinks they can wail like Joey Belladona :lol: , give me a shout lol.
Gnash said:
Try John Bush, he should be available for ya!:lol:


Last year I recorded vocals for the song "Random Acts of Senseless Violence", to a brazilian Anthrax tribute. I can put the mp3 if you want to check it out. :)

If you can't find anyone, let me know. :kickass: