Anthrax extended versions cd warning1


Apr 19, 2005
If you think buying the new Anthrax extended versions cd is a good idea, then wait...its all from Music of Mass Detruction. Buyer beware! I only paid 5.99 but was still very disappointed to find out the end result was something I already owned! :mad:
99.9% of the extended versions series is stuff thats already released. you should have looked it up first
Gee md thanks for the motherly advice! The next time I'm on vacation and I'm checking out a cd store and see a release that I've never seen before I'll make sure that I call you up first and check it out. If your not available I'll take the time to find a wifi and log onto the internet and research it completely. Second of all I was just letting people know it is rehashed material. Not being familiar with the extended versions line of products I bought it cuz it was 5.99. Now if you would have been considerate you would have warned me before i bought it....ASS!
Did I call you ans md? Sorry I should have said smug smartass4ever. BTW what.1% of the extended versions have not been released since you are the expert!
OK, what the fuck was that all about???

*edit* Nevermind, I just re-read the thread!
Did I call you ans md? Sorry I should have said smug smartass4ever. BTW what.1% of the extended versions have not been released since you are the expert!

quiet riot extended version and alice cooper extended versions are the only ones i've seen that contain material not available on any other live album
anyways to the threadstarter i wasn't trying to be rude but if you had logged on and asked about the cd someone would have warned you before you purchased it. i rarely buy any cd without at least getting a few opinions on it. anyways extended versions is a live release normally from a band on sanctuary records that has normally live material previously released on another live album
no he didnt...he was giving the guy info so he dosnt do it again

thats exactly what i did. i never called the threadstarter a name or anything. i was letting him know for future reference most extended versions are the same thing he just bought and next time look up the extended version he might buy to see if its already released stuff