I will Give Anyone The New Anthrax

It's called a "promo" for the purpose of getting a few of the songs out before the album is released. It exposes the music to more people, who will then in turn buy the album when it comes out and will possibly buy other Anthrax albums. The more people they can expose Anthrax to (poor play on words but you get the idea) the better. That's my opinion.

I want to hear these songs so bad that I am foaming at the mouth, but.......... I am also looking forward to the day that I am sitting in my truck with the most anticipated cd release of my short life, sliding it into the cd player and slipping into a Metal Thrashing COMA......... I was in a fog for four days after John Bush joined Anthrax and I heard SOWN for the first time.......I am going to be in deep trouble this time around.

I can't fuckin wait!!!!!

But I will..........
yeah I don't wan tto hear anyone else say that we're direspecting the band, that is utter bullshit. the only way I would ever buy an album of a band I'm not a full fledged fan of would be to hear the album. And I still have to doubt that ANthrax will magically get awesome radio play. This isn't the new linkin park album. oh and don't get me wrong I will by this CD wether I've heard it or not. But I want to hear it. I want to open my xmas preasents now too.
Markj - why don't you add me to msn messenger and transfer them to me - i can't wait that long to buy that album - need my fix now!

Originally posted by MarkJ
Its nice that someone is gonna send copies of the Promo to other members , but cant you all just wait and enjoy the real thing when it comes out!! Isnt there something cool about buying a CD, getting it home and unwrapping it or unwrapping it in the car and sticking it on the car stereo - I just dont agree with sending this stuff around like this - the guys have worked long and hard to make what I believe (and yes I do have a full album copy!!) is the best Anthrax album ever - and yes I know that most people on this board will buy it - but some will not - and all that does is take money away from the guys in the band - and for those of you who dont know, being in a band doesnt make you a millionaire overnight, its fucking hard work and the pay days are few and far between.

Just wait dudes and enjoy it when it comes!!! Please!!
After reading what Charlie has said,I am no longer taking request for the promo.. I will be true to my word, and send the few out to the ones of you who have already sent me the cdr or stamps..Now that I look at it from some of your points of view, I am not being true to the band, so Please no more e-mails requesting the promo..
You're a good man, Buddy Love Bomb.
In fact, I think you can delete this thread, since you started it.
in fact I know he means the actual album. but you can always e-mail him if you want. I know I'll be spreading it around evn to those who may not buy it. but they'll be friends and family of mine. You can't always decide you like something by hearing it once.
I think Charlie wants what we all want. He does not wnat ppl to download the entire album and then not buy it. The demo, its purpose is to spread the word. Its a sample, like going to the grocery store and trying a bite of cookie, well then you want more and buy the whole bag of cookies. If I had the demo I would play it for all my friends and tell them to get their asses out there to buy it on Aprli 1st.
see, I have mixed emotions.

i WILL dload the album, but, having said that, I WILL buy the album too!

hell, I had Stomp for a year dloaded (it was outta print around here) and bought it when i went to the states in august

bu, I am one of the few who WILL buy even tho they already have it dloaded - I don't care what anyone says, studio albums sound better than mp3's, AND ya gotta have the packaging

oh yes, and give the band your money