Anthrax in Classic Rock mag.."we're Lemmy's bastard kids!"


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
Good Scott Ian interview covers all the Anthrax singers, break ups, etc..also a good review of 'two evils' most will disagree but i think the last sentence is very abpt.."But,ultimately, this incarnation of the band should live for the present and the future, and let the past stand for itself" :rock: .

:flame: oldschool rules :flame:
AlexStomp said:
link?? or post the interview?

Sorry Mr Stomp but I cant find it on-line (must be somewhere!!), the magazine only came out today in the U.K. :waah: :waah: .
If i didnt type like a five year old i'd post it myself...sorry dude :kickass: .
Just thought i'd let the U.K mosher's know it was in.....