Anthrax in Metal Edge (June issue)


Feb 2, 2002
There's an interview with Scott in the new Metal Edge magazine. Some interesting stuff in there...
Here are a couple quotes from Scott:
The best scenario, as far as I'm concerned, would be to have a new studio record next Spring.
Can you find me anyone who would actually say that Van Hagar was better than Van Halen?
He also talks about Metallum Maximum Aeternum and the box set.
2 problems with this issue of Metal Edge are 1, they spell Aeternum wrong, and 2, Metallica won most of the reader's choice awards. :Puke:
Anthrax only won one award! For shame! :(
ye anthrax sure need to get busy when it comes to making NEW music.
let's hope the next CD doesn't take years!!
next spring will be time enough to get frankie back in the band ;-)
the smartest thing they could do would to have a record out within 2 years,they cannot risk wasting another 5 years,it would kill them for sure,on the latest alpha scott says they are trying to organise a good tour for maximus record.
A good tour for the Maximus record would involve some of the old school thrash bands from the 80s that 'grew' with Anthrax at that time eg Exodus / Testament.