ANTHRAX in Metal Edge (AGAIN)


Feb 2, 2002
There's an article in the new Metal Edge about Anthrax and Motorhead.

And here's a quote from the Editorial:
Hours ago, I experienced Anthrax as they ripped the shit out of the Hollywood House Of Blues, delivering one of their best performances I've seen in my more than fifteen years as a fan. Pound for pound, they are the greatest living metal band, and they promised to tour again later this summer. If you haven't seen them, don't call yourself a metal fan until you have, as there's nothing quite like the power of Charlie Benante, Scott Ian, Frank Bello, John Bush and Rob Caggiano unleashed onstage. Those are strong words, and I'll stand behind each and every one of them. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and pick up their latest release, We've Come For You All...
- Paul Gargano
ThraxDude said:
There's an article in the new Metal Edge about Anthrax and Motorhead.

And here's a quote from the Editorial:
Hours ago, I experienced Anthrax as they ripped the shit out of the Hollywood House Of Blues, delivering one of their best performances I've seen in my more than fifteen years as a fan. Pound for pound, they are the greatest living metal band, and they promised to tour again later this summer. If you haven't seen them, don't call yourself a metal fan until you have, as there's nothing quite like the power of Charlie Benante, Scott Ian, Frank Bello, John Bush and Rob Caggiano unleashed onstage. Those are strong words, and I'll stand behind each and every one of them. In the meantime, do yourself a favor and pick up their latest release, We've Come For You All...
- Paul Gargano

absolutely awesome that they would say this. And thanks thraxdude for keeping us up to date.