Why didn't anyone tell me ANTHRAX is in METAL EDGE?


Feb 2, 2002
There's an Anthrax article in the August issue of Metal Edge. I haven't read it yet, but it's about 5 pages long.
We dont get Metal Edge here - we used to but for some reason now we dont. Is there any chance of getting the article on line or is that breaching copyright laws?
The last time I even saw a Metal-Edge was in high school and finished a final in under 10 minutes and wandered off to 7Eleven for a slurpee and a magazine.

It sucked then too.
It was a good interview! The last comment by Scott was fucking great!
This Metal Edge is good for your Anthrax collection........
Yeah Mr Thrax I will do that - cheers mate.

BTW - Soilwork tour coming up - another example of these Euro metal bands touring !! I'm gonna check em out - should be good.