Hello and please tell me why you hate Korn

Korn fuckin sucks.. always has always will.

i mean seriously hoe fuckin hard is it to play 5 notes in fuckin drop -C.

shit my nephew can play there shit on his fisher price stratocaster, yknow the one with the blinky lights and shit.

Fuck Korn.

P.S. oh yea and fieldys bass sounds like my ass after consuming mass quantities of laxitives.

P.S.S. i have a personal vendetta in life, if i ever see fieldy in real life i will beat the fuckin piss out of him for startin all that shit with fear factory. hes a worthless piece of shit.

Fuckin fruitcake.
remington69 said:
I ate it. Mmm...good sandwich.


And besides, I have tried over the years to hear the Faith No Mores influence in bands like Korn, Limp Dipshit, Static-X, Ill Nino and whatever... I haven't found it yet... maybe I should look for some live tracks where Mike Bordin whored as a rep-drummer for Korn.

Mike Pattons response to the FNM tribute album by all those shitty bands: "Why do you wanna hear bad bands destroy good songs?"

I hate more artists besides KuNt...

R Kelly... (pedophile, likes to piss on little girls, oh yeah, and I can't stand his cheesy RN'B)

Staus Quo (look up "boring" in a dictionary, they always have fucking "best of collection" ad spots on TV)

Limp Bizkit (hip-rock for kids who doesn't have the guts to piss their parents of with some real hip-hop/rock records)

The Darkness (english dragqueens)

Mötley Crüe (never liked them)
The Darkness, i thought it was gonna be heavy sounding by the name of the band & when the dude started to sing i laughed my balls of it was so funny & gay at the same time. why am i working for the man when i could be putting out CD's?
~I'll be the first to admit that I used to like Korn. I bought their first album, and I admit that it was quite different. Unlike most bands, you can't really place their influence on just one previous band. I'm also fond of bad guitar distortion and they achieved that. I went to their show with Megadeth and realised that not only was everyone jumping up and down, but that there were alot of girls in the audience. Most girls don't like metal, that should have tipped me off right away. Plus all the band members were wearing sporty clothing like they were from the ghetto. How anyone can be so self-concious of their image doesn't compute with me.

~Not long after their second album and a DVD came out. I knew something was wrong when the opening track started. It was a gimmick. A bunch of non-sensical jibberish added to beats to make up for not having a song. As well as the rest of the album could have been unused tracks from their first, I was disappointed. And as I watched their DVD I slowly began to realise what idiots they were. Spitting chips at each other for fun? And then when the singer left the vocal booth after what seemed like a very emotional performance, all the other band members were crying, (presumedly because Jon was venting from being abused as a child). But Fieldy had to open his big mouth saying something like even rappers cry. Rappers? What am I stupid? Why didn't I see it before?

~Then I saw all the copycat bands popping up, each one worse than the next. And I thought to myself, why is this kind of music becoming popular when thrash, speed, death, doom and black are all so much better? That's when I made my decision to stop supporting that kind of crap. Bands who are more concerned with their image than their music, they need to be destroyed.

~But I decided that Korn should be given respect none-the-less for doing something different. That all changed when the vocalist came forward and complained publicly at his latest album only selling a million copies! None of the bands I like even reach half that much, WTF is wrong with him? If Korn's fans are so shallow that they'd actually download their new album rather than buy it, then the whole thing was just a nonsensical trend that needs to end just like grunge.