Anthrax in Salt Lake City, Utah!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
:wave:Hey Folks,

Whats up? Well, I've been so fucking busy lately that I don't even know where to start. First off, some of you may have been aware of my current job status as my old job ended. Well, I finally got the job I wanted as a Team Leader at AOL. Finally, moving up in the world, but the best thing about it is, my boss told me he picked me for supervisor the day of the Anthrax SHOW! It was honestly one of those days that is so good, you don't even know what to think! I think the day actually meant more to me a couple of days after(if that makes sense). So, I go to work that morning, and find out I'm hired. I went through a bunch of training for the day(and I had to stay longer than the norm ofcourse), the price of being promoted. I get home about 6:30, which I wasn't worried since my wife and I planned on missing "E-Concrete town", and we didn't go until about 8:30(which the concert was suppose to start at 7pm). Ofcourse, right when me and my wife were walking into the DV8 club, I hear "Were E-Concrete Town, and were going to kick your ass Salt Lake City". My wife and I headed right to the bar ofcourse, but I must say in "E-Concrete Town's" defense, they weren't that bad. By the time "Lamb of God" came on, I was wasted(too much beer too fast), haven't done that since I was about 16:Spin:.

Lamb of God was pretty dam good, very heavy, very good to hear while drunk!

By the time Anthrax came on, my wife and I were all screams(so was the whole club). I think there couldn't have been more than about a couple of hundred people there, but I truly believe Anthrax enjoyed themselves, and the Crowd was way into it!

My wife and I sat next to a gentleman who was 35 in age, and he was one of the nicest dudes I've meet in along time! He was really amazed that I actually knew where John Bush came from before Anthrax(which this same conversation was repeated with about ten other guys and gals during the night!). My only point folks, is that it was great to be at a show where almost everyone there was a REAL FAN! Only the Anthrax faithful were present, and Scott even said in between one of the songs "Thanks guys for making it worth the while to come and play for you again, you guys are awesome!"

I do apologize folks for I was so wasted, I can't remember the song order, but I can remember the songs that Anthrax actually played!

1-What doesn't die
2-Got the time
4-Safe Home
6-Metal Thrashing mad
10-Black Lodge
11-Be All end All

All in all, Anthrax sounded great! There was a magic in the air about that show that I can't even describe! It seemed that everybody there was really nice(crowd I mean), and everybody just wanted to have fun, which did happen!

My wife and I also had a railing seat that was right above the stage, and we had a great view of the entire band, infact I could see the part in Frankies hair is how close we were. You don't really know how powerful John Bush is until you hear him live!

As Anthrax left the stage my wife and I were yelling "We love you John", "We love you Frankie", We love you Scott", "We love you Charlie" "We love you Rob".

Kinda corny I know(I blame the drunkeness), but you know what! As they all walked off the stage, my wife and I made all contact with all of them and they all gave us the horns and raised fists!

What a concert! What a day!


You have been blessed by the AugDawg!
Thanks guys,

I'm really enjoying the new job, and to top it off, my new team is kicking ass sales wise! Horns up all the way around! :Spin:

Not to mention, I got a call from Neil Turbin the other night! Very cool guy, and he's sending me a copy of "ThreatCon Delta" as well! What a great month it's been! Hey, since I'm named after the month, it's about time!




I'm currently working with some people that may want to finance me alittle just so I can get the new AugDawg actually released. However, I'll make a copy for you if you would like one? Email me at if you are interested!