Anthrax in Toronto (TUESDAY)


Mar 30, 2003
Roadtripped rom Montreal for this's the setlist in just about the correct order...

What Doesn't Die
Black Dahlia
Got The Time
Caught In A Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
Black Lodge
Refuse To Be Denied
Be All End All
Metal Thrashing Mad
Whole Lotta Rosie
Among The Living

I'm so fucking happy I caught them again...set was fairly different from last time since they did some more...Black Dahlia, Madhouse, Refuse To Be Denied, Be All End All, Metal Thrashing Mad, Among The Living. The AC/DC cover was fucking rad although I woulda preferred to have gotten Anthrax original tune. Got The Time and Antisocial have pretty much been converted into Anthrax songs and eternal staples but they are still covers and maybe its time for some other older tunes to come back in. Regardless, the set was solid as fuck. Once again I was dead fucking centre and this time the stage was low and the band was in your face...right on!

I'm surprised they skipped Bring The Noise...also surprised we only had 4 off the new record. When I saw them support Motorhead in my town 3 months back they did Nobody Knows Anything (replacing it with Black Dahlia and Refuse To Be Denied here in TO). Nobody Knows Anything is badass, they should still do that. There was another song they did in MTL they didn't do tonight that I can't fucking remember.

Oh yeah at the end when shit was getting jacked off the stage, I saw the setlist fly by and noticed it said for the last song AMONG THE LIVING or I AM THE LAW. Fucking lazy faggots, they shoulda played them BOTH!

Regardless. Go see them. They rule the entire universe.

After the fucking gig I had to catch the goddamn subway back this-a-way...fucking train at 1AM, get off at the wrong fucking stop AGAIN...back track one stop. Get off and find I've missed the 2nd last bus. Wait 30 minutes. Bus ride takes 25 minutes to this fucking mall where I'm supposed to get another bus but it's just about 2:30AM and it's stopped. Figured I had about about 15 minutes to walk to the crib, turns out to be another 30 minutes...christ...

ANTHRAX >>>>> everything and everyone.

PS: First time I roadtripped for a gig. Wooooo!
Damn, that looks like the best setlist I've seen, lots of good shit and no Bring The Noise, hope it's similar to that if I ever see them. Damn I wish they would play Potter's Field, that would make me lose my mind.
The setlist order looks about right w/Blues Brothers INTRO and Contact.
It was an awesome show. We travelled 1.5 hours to get to the show.
The venue (Lee's Palace) is fairly small, but the place was packed.
Everyone was right into the show. Even the banner was too big for the stage, all that was showing was the centre section with ANTHRAX on it. Very intimate setting (very little room for the guys move around on stage) for a kick ass show.

There was one guy who kept crowd surfing trying to get pushed on stage and was denied by the two rather small security. He did manage to at the end of the show and was promptly jumped on by a roadie. Frank and John both motioned to leave him alone to dive back into the pit. He did what looked like a half flip in the air and clear the group in front to land on the floor. About a minute later some big guy was dragging him out of the pit by the feet to safety where he laid for a couple of minutes.

Refused to be Denied
John started it off with - Proud and free that's Canadian to me.

An Anthrax induced SARS related blackout(had to be there) - the stage lights wouldn't come on and they said f*$# it and started playing, they came back on about half way through the song.

John did seem to be having some problems with his mic throughout the show.

The four song encore was great. :hotjump:

Almost forgot:
Charlie was playing around in between songs and started playing the intro to Rush - YYZ. Scott looked at him and said bust that shit out. So Frank and Charlie played the first part of YYZ. When they stopped, Scott said "You should see our soundchecks, they're like a Rush live album"
Wcfya said:
Almost forgot:
Charlie was playing around in between songs and started playing the intro to Rush - YYZ. Scott looked at him and said bust that shit out. So Frank and Charlie played the first part of YYZ. When they stopped, Scott said "You should see our soundchecks, they're like a Rush live album"

I would LOVE to see Anthrax play Rush covers live. Neil Peart and Charlie are my favorite drummers and it would rule to see Charlie playing all of Neil's drum parts.
Everyone should pick up the Rush In Rio live DVD being released in October....a full show filmed in November 2002. :cool: