Anthrax kicks ass


Death Metal Maniac
Mar 29, 2003
New York
Hey all,

I'm new to the Anthrax board. I'm also a new fan of them too, I guess. I only have Return of the Killer A's, but I'm gonna get more albums soon.

My favorite song from them would have to be 'Fueled'. :headbang:
great fucking song... um it's all good.. random acts of sensless violence is one of my favs.. or fueled or hy pro glo....
get the dvd it kicks ass and SOD they're a quality offshoot of the anthrax family.. right..
Welcome to the board...always good to see new Anthrax fans. There's lots of good stuff to check out, and everyone here will give you a different opinion, but if you want my two cents, Sound of White Noise and Volume 8 are their best two can't go wrong picking up a copy of either. For the older stuff with Joey on vocals, Among the Living is also a must have for a metalheads record collection.