Anthrax Merch...come and get it!


New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2003
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One of my hobbies is Ebay, I sell stock for different stores around here (Username: God's Hands). I just bought out an old music shop and got lots of Anthrax goodies. Everything from pins to patches to shirts. They had one belt buckle but that's mine!

If anyone has requests let me know, you all have first dibs before I put some of the rarer stuff on Ebay (although I know Anthrax stuff is not so popular on there).
if you have a sgt d figure email me right away ( cus i cant find the damn things anywhere
man a sgt D doll !!! i have been searching on ebay forever for that !!!! or a not man.....but shit normally you get abuot 8 anthrax results, and nothing rare or cool

thatsthe good tihng about this nuclear balst deal, other bands on NB have awesome merch, hopefully in the coming months we'll get some killer new stuff

but yeah a list would be good,esp with the old skool patches.....
Greetings Anthrax fans and interested parties!

I don't have prices yet, but I do have the following info.

(quantity: 15-20) foot-long Anthrax skateboard patches from the 1980's.

(quantity: 5-10) Among The Living black back patches from the 1980's.

Tons of different pin designs.

(quantity 10-12) Sound Of White Noise black bandana/handkerchief

(quantity: 5) State Of Euphoria black t-shirts TAG SIZE MEDIUM, LOOKS LARGE TO ME.

(quantity: 5) Not Man black t-shirts TAG SIZE MEDIUM, LOOKS LARGE TO ME.

If you'd like more details, please let me know.
(quantity 10-12) Sound Of White Noise black bandana/handkerchief
(quantity: 5) State Of Euphoria black t-shirts TAG SIZE MEDIUM, LOOKS LARGE TO ME

I would like 1 of each e-mail is

ps is the NOT man shirt the one with ANTHRAX in Baby Blue and the word NOT on the back?..
(quantity: 15-20) foot-long Anthrax skateboard patches from the 1980's.

(quantity: 5-10) Among The Living black back patches from the 1980's.

Tons of different pin designs.

(quantity 10-12) Sound Of White Noise black bandana/handkerchief

gimme gimme!!
no hats !! blubblub i ned another thrax hat !!! i got a baseball hat from the site a while back, but geez it cost me both legs !!!

not man tee sounds cool, but i got one a few mnths back and man alive 80's style tshirts were pretty tight fitting with very very large necks !!!! no wonder i looked odd as a kid :)