Anthrax on 97Rock last night!!!!!


It's "The Amish" To You
Feb 6, 2002
State of Beavers
Wasn't paying much attention, and I hear the Mullett say he'd play some Speed Metal after the break on Ass Kickin' 80's. Usually they'd play either Metallica or Megadeth (they don't play Slayer, and only heard I'm The Man once) so wasn't really paying attention.

They come back, and the Mullett says, "well, back in the 80's there was a thing called speed metal that Metallica (I was thinking it's Metallica song right then) actually was a part of before they lost their balls. Hetfield Ullrich and company with Megadeth, and Slayer were the forefronts, along with these boys from New York City. Here's some Anthrax for you guys." and they played Caught In A Mosh!!!!!!!!!
97Rock? You in the Tri-Cities? The Mullet is an Anthrax fan I think. He played I'm the Man one time, and right afterwards was complaining about how they needed to get a bunch more "old school" Anthrax to play. Too bad they won't play the new stuff. Have you ever tried requesting Safe Home?
Riehlthing said:
I'm about an hour away from Tri-Cities. I've tried requesting new stuff, but they won't play them. Even talked to one of them in person. No go.

Rock 94.5 in Spokane used to play Inside Out and Crush from Volume 8 quite a bit, but to my knowledge they haven't played anything off of WCFYA. What was their reason for not playing the music? Did they even have a copy?
They have a copy. Scotty Buns of Steele said they wouldn't play it because it's not a "recognized" band or song. He liked What Doesn't Die, but he didn't care for Safe Home that much. 97rock sux now except the Mullet.
Where are you at in the Northwest?
Aka "We aren't being paid to play that song, so no we don't do it." What a bunch of crap. Too bad things aren't like the old days when DJ's had full control and could push songs and bands they liked.

To answer your other question, I'm in the Spokane area now. I grew up in Moses Hole.
Yeah, I hate how radio stations run shit like that. Glad the Mullet plays them though.

I don't like the Spokane area. Been there a few times and at one point almost moved there. But couldn't find a job that paid similar to what I make here. The roads there suck. I'm in Wally World. I'm sure you know where that is and the lack of anything there. I usually go to Portland if any big city.
While in KNAC chat room last nite I requested Caddy Rock Box and got Ball of Confusion and Safe Home later on.
Rieth - you like Mushroomhead right? I heard they ripped it up last night in Flint, Mich at the Machine Shop. Thought might wanna know if they hit your neck of the woods on the tour.
Riehlthing said:
Yeah, I hate how radio stations run shit like that. Glad the Mullet plays them though.

I don't like the Spokane area. Been there a few times and at one point almost moved there. But couldn't find a job that paid similar to what I make here. The roads there suck. I'm in Wally World. I'm sure you know where that is and the lack of anything there. I usually go to Portland if any big city.

Spokane is a great place, and a crappy place at the same time. Shitloads to do (especially outdoors), low cost of living, and nice people. However, the roads do suck ass and the economy is in the dumper. Wally World is actually a great town. My girlfriend of many years is from there, and I like it there. That's wine country now!
Oh yeah DD, I'd be watching them if they come near here.

We have tons of stuff here to do outdoors, if you have a truck for the mountains that is. I go to Spokane every so often. Silverwood in June. That's cool you've been here to Wally World, it's a nice area, but it'd be better if it was a bigger city, but the dumbasses here won't let it get bigger. They want it to stay the same size. They're fighting a developement going in. This one developement is getting screwded, and taking the attention away from my dad's developement he's designing. But even then he's getting stone walled. They wanted him to build something that would cost like $5 mill to protect an area that would be worth maybe $500,000. He's like, uh, why would anyone do that? It's pointless.

Hate this town sometimes.
I've heard that Washington has got some nice wine. I see it at the store when I look for Cali wine. Also, NY is famous too. Also, see wines from Austrailia and Chile of all places. I think all these places grow grapes for Merlot.
Rieth - If the city doesn't grow that its f'd in the long run. My town did not want develpopement. One town over built a mall and a large auto plaza and our thriving. My neighborhood track of homes is still great along with a couple others but the lack of planning held this city back. Towns worse off than mine are better for at least having a casino. They voted a casino down in my town because of "organized crime". while Lakewood blvd is full or tweekers and hookers. what a bunch of shit.

I like Red wine but theres good white wines her in Cali.
Can't tell them that. They fight the wineries because it'll take away from the wheat farmers. Even though wineries take less water than wheat. This area is dumb. We had a chance to grow big, get an interstate to come through, but the farmers united and sued to have it go elsewhere. Now the Tri-Cities is thriving. Turns out the big farmer that fought the freeway through here owned part of the mall in Tri-Cities.
Typical. The town next to me that grew used to full of dairy farms then they moved like 45 minutes or so down the road. Made money on selling land buying cheaper 25 miles away. One thing that helps my town is that its in So Cal. If we were in Kansas I'd be in your shoes.