Anthrax Sucks Big Time In Promoting Themselves!!!!!!!!!


Apr 2, 2002
Stadskanaal, Holland
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I just bought 2 of the leading metal/rock magazines in Europe for the month october, Rocksound and Aardschok Metal Hammer.
I'm very suprised or you can also say disapointed that there is NO ADVERTISEMENT!!!!done for theire upcoming tour.
In Rocksound you can read that Motorhead is on tour , dates included, but Anthrax isn't mentioned anywhere!!!!!!!!!
Aardschok mention that the Trax is coming but you need a magnify glass to find out!!!!!!!!

Do these guys still have a management /promoter or what!!!!!!!
And they are planning to put out an album this milennium???

Time to get youre shit correct!!!!!!!!
Call me and give me some fuckin $$$$$$$$ and I will promote theire asses SKY HIGH!!!!!!!!!
Well, after setting my crystal ball on a ouija board and sprinkling it with tea leaves, I have come to the conclusion that it's all about money.

Seems to me like record companies bail out to fast on bands. If the sales aren't there, there's no money to promote. Of course, if money was spent on promotion, the sales would be there.

What irks me the most. Yes. I said irks! What irks me the most is when I see a commercial for a and I've never heard of, while bands I like, and that have been around a while, sneak out records left and right with my never knowing about it.

I imagine there are a gagillion. Yes I said gagillion and irks! A gagillion other factors. How do you target an audience for Anthrax?

In the old days it was easy. Males 15-24 or so. Anthrax was one of if not THE heaviest band. But now, a million bone-heads tune a little lower and screw up their vocal chords trying to disguise a lack of talent with passionate noise. Combine that with a big shift in musical direction for many heavy bands, and you have marketing personnel pulling their hair out trying to figure out just what IS going on.

Personally, I hope the new album stretches a few more boundaries than the last couple of releases. (Hmmmm, they could put on evil masks and call themselves Sliproom Head!)

Honestly, they have a very unique sound, but I don't think they've really tapped its potential yet. This is not indicative of the kind of work they're capable of so I want each of them to write 50 times on the chalkboard "On the 8th day God created metal, and it was good!"
I think they should take action themselves, even bands who have 1 show in London for 1000people have a fullcolour advertisement in the magazine. Trax have a lot off shows to promote so my idea so why don't take the logo for "Refuse"and put it in every fuckin magzine around, if people see , you interest for coming to the show and you earn youre investment right back.
it all comes down to lack of money.
and this industry is in a very sad state re. 'current' rock acts.
BUT - it costs nothing for the band to post a message letting us patient fans know what the hell is happening with the new record! (maybe they have and i missed it??)
come on guys look after your fans and keep them informed...
That's a damn good point...just promote them anyway, man! Don't know what i can say about a new album but I'm sure spraying the ANTHRAX logo on a wall can't be hard! And, hey, there's a good few walls that don't belong to peeps' back gardens that can be used...
Yeah, without stencils you'd be standing around for half an hour hoping the boys in blue don't notice ^_^ maybe that's an idea for new Anthrax merchandise...