Anthrax, things that never happened Vol 1.

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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Anthrax put out 2 of there best albums in 95 and 98, yet if you see them live you are lucky to hear 1 song off of each. Why is this? These are the songs you hear live if, if you are lucky. Fueled(Most over rated song on the alblum) RAOSV (if they have a ton of time to kill and they feel spunky) and Inside out. Why no more. I know more people feal like me in saying we want more from these records live. I know less than 100,000 of each record were sold. But the people who bought those records are the ones you see in the audiance today. Play In a Zone. American Pompai, Teaster, Carthisist, Stealing From A thief. (Am I on a miss spelling mission or what lol) Born Again Idiot. Im ranting, I know. Gives you something to read. Not like anything usefull is ever talked about here anymore anyways:Saint:. So comment if you will. I would love to hear your thoughts on this..
I saw them play Crush in 2003, it was awesome. I agree, they need to play more from these albums. Though to be honest, I'm less and less interested in hearing a few of the songs without John Bush singing...Catharsis wouldn't rule without his voice, IMO.
all i will say is random,hyprglo,in a zone,in my world are probably there most outstanding songs live,they truly have so much morepower live,that being said all there songs are pretty damn good live!
Not necessarily!

Explain. I know there are many variables when It comes to this, but a person who has been a fan through everything that has happened with the band over the years, is likely to still be a fan today. Unless its the few fans that took the loss of Bush personal. This is a new chapter I know. This can turn into a shit fest so I'll just leave it at that.