Anthrax thoughts


I love Anthrax, I have to admit I enjoy the John Bush era more, but the records weren't as consistent as the Belladonna era. This reunion has been great, but I have a feeling that Scott and Co. weren't greeted with open arms by the metal community. Maybe because the new trend is bands getting back together with their classic line-ups?! Fans are suspecious at the "reasons" or "motives" for these things... Part of me would like to see The Among the Living line up put out a record, but I'd love to see John still be in the band too...
I won't even dare to compare either of the versions, as they are totally different animals. Sure would have been great seeing both versions of the band share the stage on one tour. That was the plan anumber of years ago, when they put out Killer A's....Remember that?
Yes, speaking of Killer A's, that 604 clip with the Jap. guy fucking rules. Maybe the band should fuck off both singers and let the fans do kareoke with them instead.
if you ever want to hear a chick belt out "Time" I'm available. Besides, I'm native American and Italian like Joey, so I could easily wear the headdress during Indians.
Karina_666 said:
if you ever want to hear a chick belt out "Time" I'm available. Besides, I'm native American and Italian like Joey, so I could easily wear the headdress during Indians.
I'd be all over that
Karina_666 said:
if you ever want to hear a chick belt out "Time" I'm available. Besides, I'm native American and Italian like Joey, so I could easily wear the headdress during Indians.

There's definitely something hot about that...I'm not sure why...but, it's there.
There should be a TV show where just chicks sing 'Thrax songs. I don't really know what the point will be..but yeah Fox should make a TV show like that. I mean they always take chances with shows that will seem crappy and then turn out to be a huge hit.

This post was just a waste of time..