Anthrax To Open For Motorhead In Us Confirmed

Brentney Spears said:
It is a CO-HEADLINE tour

Uhhhhhhh....that's what they said about Thrax/Misfits but we all know who the headliners were for that one. Did the word "Co-headline" spawn from all the political correctness that's been the craze for the last ten years???
You guys and girls must be either 12 or retarded (or both) if you can't understand why Anthrax would play before Motorhead. Christ I've listened to Anthrax since 1984 but we're talking about MOTORHEAD. You'd be hard pressed to find any metal band that doesn't pay homage to them. They were making ears bleed in 1976 when Anthrax, Metallica, Slayer, etc. were still riding bikes with training wheels and thought girls were icky. I saw them in 2000 and they still tear it up. Not many bands are still rocking after twenty-seven years. WAAAY better tour than AC/DC-Anthrax imho.
Sludgehead said:
You guys and girls must be either 12 or retarded (or both) if you can't understand why Anthrax would play before Motorhead.

Would have to agree.

I myself love anthrax as much as the next person on this board and would love them to play above Motorhead but lets face it, it aint gonna happen is it really.
Lordlindsey said:
I'd prefer AC-DC / Anthrax over Motorhead.
At least with AC-DC they'd get more exposure. Play at bigger locations too.

I've been attending shows for over twenty years and generally I like smaller venues, but that's just a personal preference. While AC/DC would perhaps allow more exposure, I have to ask exposure to who? I would think most people interested in seeing Anthrax, or AC/DC, or even Motorhead are in their thirties and are quite familiar with the band(s). At least that's been my experience with many of the "old timers" I've gone to see in the last few years such as Slayer, G.B.H., Motorhead, D.R.I., Dio, and Iron Maiden. Of course these are only my opinions and really no more or less valid than anyone elses but according to my ears Motorhead kicks the crap out of AC/DC. Always have, always will. If you really want them to get exposure then start lobbying for a Britney Spears/Anthrax or something even lamer like Metallica/Anthrax.

Useless filler: I'm glad Joey is gone. I almost cried the first time I heard Armed and Dangerous after wearing out my Fistful of Metal cassette (although admittedly there were some good albums with him fronting). John Bush is doing a fine job. I saw him open (w/Armored Saint) for Metallica on the Ride the Lightning tour and despite the fact that Metallica was one of my favorite bands at the time and the fact that I wasn't an Armored Saint fan they STILL blew me away and made Metallica look like chumps.
I'd prefer AC/DC-Anthrax over Motorhead for the simple reason that I'd stick around and watch AC/DC and recognize most if not all of their tunes and rock out to them. I'm 25 years old and Motorhead were just straight up before my time I guess because. The only song I know from them is Ace of Spades and maybe a couple of others.
Ace of Spades is probably one of favorite top 10 metal songs.
However, I thing AC/DC draws more of a crowd than Motorhead. Therefore, they'd be exposed more.
AlexStomp said:
I'd prefer AC/DC-Anthrax over Motorhead for the simple reason that I'd stick around and watch AC/DC and recognize most if not all of their tunes and rock out to them. I'm 25 years old and Motorhead were just straight up before my time I guess because. The only song I know from them is Ace of Spades and maybe a couple of others.

If you go by Billboard rankings, AC/DC was in their prime between 1977 and 1981, and Motorhead was 1982 to 1991... so AC/DC was before your time too. Do yourself a favor and stay for Motorhead. Bands don't become legends because they suck. I'm sure if Anthrax posted in this thread they would tell you Motorhead was an influence on their music. I doubt AC/DC was.
Anthrax would be playing half empty, out door theaters if they had to open for AC/DC. And the crowd would be mostly late thirtys to fiftys folks that don't have the open mind to appreciate a band they haven't heard of anyway. And it would suck to see Thrax in an out door, day light setting. I'll seem them in a 1200 seat club opening for Motorhead anyday.