Anthrax To Rule In 2002 !!!!!!!!


punk rock love god
Feb 6, 2002
walsall, england
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The new anthrax album will be amazing , i think it will be better than sound of white noise !!!!! here hoping that at the end of the year anthrax will be back at the top of the metal world where they belong !!!! DEATH TO NU-METAL :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I hear ya xarchx, the new Anthrax will be amazing! I got a small reply from Scott awhile ago and he didn't give me much detail(this was a couple of weeks ago), but he did say that John was doing the vocals, and his direct quote was "the album is killing!" I say godd*#m! The album is killing? Wow, that says alot! I'm so excited to hear it!

I have no doubt in my mind that the album will be the best of the new millenium to date. The question is, will anyone hear it?

I really hope Anthrax gets some promotional support for this album from the label and so forth. It's such a shame that Volume 8 was ignored. It certainly wasn't a lack of ability, talent, or great songs on Anthrax's part, but to rule the world in 2002 they'll need some help from an industry that hasn't given them the respect that they deserve.
i cannot wait for the new album it will be the best metal album this year i hope it will make some of the ground up they lost post white noise heres to a great 2002 for anthrax and real metal in general
Originally posted by xarchx
does anyone know what label anthrax are on now ???? scott said that he would announce it soon any info ???????

Yes Indeed, Anthrax appears to have just signed with Sanctuary. No word on if it has happened for sure, but it sounds like it will go through.

"Summer" is the only word I've heard so far, which is somewhat hard to interpret. As far as I know, the music is done, and John's working on the vocals.

I hope Episode II is good enough to help time pass with multiple viewings until the new Thrax album comes out :)
Amen brothers. I'm freakin loosing my mind waiting for the new Thrax. Everybody just pray to your god, whoever it may be, that no more bad luck comes with this one. They fuckin deserve so much more respect then they've gotten so far. I could go on forever about this but ya'll already know how it is so I'll shut up.
I'm not dogging Star Wars, but why do ppl go ape shit at the utterance of the words "Episode Two"? It's just a movie.
I enjoy the films but damn, it's only a movie, not the cure for cancer.
Theres my 2 cents.
Everyone is anticipating Episode 2. Star Wars was one of the best movies of all time. Almost every human being on the earth is a Star Wars fan. (At least before Episode 1.)

That's my 2 cents.:)
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Everyone is anticipating Episode 2. Star Wars was one of the best movies of all time. Almost every human being on the earth is a Star Wars fan. (At least before Episode 1.)

That's my 2 cents.:)

Dually noted. I also was NOT dogging STAR WARS. I'm a fan, but I'm tired of STAR WARS being metioned in every thread I have read today. Don't get pissed.

Thats my 4 cents. 2 + 2 = 4........yeah thats right.:lol:
Im hoping that Anthrax will put out another SOWN, Im not expecting another Among THe Living because that style of thrash is dead, but if it is another SOWN, ill be extremely happy. I was a little let down with Volume 8 and Stomp, not that they are bad, just not my favorite stlye, I just prefer older thrash (Belladonna era) and SOWN was great, no matter what, I'll be there on release day to pick up my copy no matter what it sounds like cuz Anthrax is Anthrax and they cant put out a bad album. That's my opinion and I hope im not wrong...
Originally posted by GregadetH

Dually noted. I also was NOT dogging STAR WARS. I'm a fan, but I'm tired of STAR WARS being metioned in every thread I have read today. Don't get pissed.

Oh, no problem, dude. I know what you're saying. I also know that Attack of the Clones comes out in one month and one day (as of this post).:lol:

P.S. Thanks for the compliment on the "notright" Notman.