ANTHRAX To 'Worship Music' For Band's 25th Anniversary

Just read that.. I will definately give this one a shot. Well I will listen to a few songs and make my decision.. I remember all the hype about WCFYA and I didn't like that. I just want some god damn Thrash.
A no brainer... I have all their albums and not one of them has failed to deliver for me.

Is it June yet?
Yeah can't wait for June. Every snippet of the new stuff live sounds killer to me, especially Fight Em. Didn't realise that Megaforce was still around. I was kinda hoping Roadrunner might've signed them as they always seem to get bands a ton of exposure. Worked well enough for Megadeth. Anyways - bring on June!
Yeah can't wait for June. Every snippet of the new stuff live sounds killer to me, especially Fight Em. Didn't realise that Megaforce was still around. I was kinda hoping Roadrunner might've signed them as they always seem to get bands a ton of exposure. Worked well enough for Megadeth. Anyways - bring on June!

Charlie once told me in an email he would never release anything on Roadrunner.
i think it stems from sod bigger than the devil,they were in talks but rr basically offered them next to nothing.

i think that also. i remember reading that in an interview when bigger than the devil came out.

they also have a reputation for ripping off anyone who isn't nickelback.

keith caputo said in an interview that one of the reasons he left life of agony was their situation with roadrunner. something to the effect of, "they were always stealing from us."

peter steele said something similar when asked about people who said bad things about roadrunner, but then countered it with, and i'm totally paraphrasing here, "we signed the contracts. it's our own fault."