ANTHRAX TOPIC!!!! Crook's comments finally posted!


Lurker Emeritus
Feb 11, 2002
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Not sure whose decision it was, but Paul's comments on leaving Anthrax were posted on the Anthrax home page. Most of us have probably seen this already. However, I don't believe we've heard the band's side of the split. Did I just miss it or have they simply not given a comment on the departure? I hate to bring up such an old topic but I just came across this and it got me thinking. Scary thought, I know. :p

In other words, Anthrax fired Paul. No one including him knows really why, maybe except Charlie and Scott.
"My relationship with the band had reached a natural point where it needed to grow and get to the next level or our future together needed to be re-assessed. ANTHRAX made a business/ financial decision not to retain my services. Those are the simple facts, and that’s all there is to it."

Doesn't really say he was fired, just that they might not have been willing or able to retain his services (pay him a bit more and keep it as a member perhaps?). By the way, does it show I took ecomomics in school? Boy, do I sound like a dork!

Anyway, I thought Paul was a great guitar player as well as a great person. I am sure he will continue to kick some ass. Best of luck Paul.
I really liked Paul & was sad to see him leave. I saw him live with Thrax twice and thought he did a great job, he seemed like a very nice guy also. I've never heard Rob yet but I'm sure he'll be just fine though. At least it seems Paul left on good terms, that's a rare thing anymore.