Anthrax & UTFO


New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2006
since you guys have been so helpful with my B-sides question, I figured that I'd throw one more at you. When I was a kid, I remember seeing an Anthrax/UTFO record in the stores. Does anyone know the details about this? I never hear anyone speak about it but it seems like this could possibly have been the first rap/metal collaboration, years before I'm The Man or Bring The Noise. Does anyone have it? I'd love to hear it. Any thoughts or information would be appreciated.

Thanks again for all the help.
It was after I'm the Man and before Bring the Noise. Joey rapped and Scott or Dan played guitar (jdelpi maybe able to clarify the who played guitar). The song was called Lethal and it was on a UTFO album. I think I have the album somewhere but I'm not real sure.

Joey's Rap is god awful from what I remember and the guitar playing is a basic Antrhax riff. Fun song though.

UTFO was a New York Rap band with the three rappers and I think onr of the rapper was from England - names Kangol, Educated Mate(Dr. ?), Dr Ice - Hell I'm speculating on the names.

Maybe Black 13 can help just bump this thread everytime he's online or ask him in the CDC chat.
Yeah, I've read/heard interviews where the band kind of laugh about this. I don't think they were particularly blown away by the collaboration!
The one I have It's an E.P or maybe a single "12"? Not the Album.
The one I have has 2 songs 3 tracks.
Side One
1)Lethal- (mondo bass)
2) Lethal-(stupid bass)
Side Two
1)S.W.A.T-(Get down) remix

It says on the back of the cover
UTFO is The Kangol Kid,Doctor Ice,The educated Rapper and Mix Master Ice.
it does not say who from Anthrax is on the this E.P:grin:
This is the CD yer talking about:

prizo said:
Are you sure?
There is no such thing as a UTFO, but I've seen 3 UFO's.

How many UFO's have you seen?

This thread has officially died:Smug: