Anthrax video for single?


Dec 16, 2002
So have I missed something, or is there not going to be any promo vids for any tunes from WM?

With the comparatively low sales of WCFYA back in 2003, we at least had clips for Safe Home, WDD, and Taking the Music Back, yet I haven't seen or heard any news of any clips for TDYK, Fight Em, or anything else.

I'm sitting here watching Headbangers Ball right now and its crappy to know not to expect anything new from Anthrax who are riding on a higher wave of success than they have for the best part of 20 years.

Is there any news / reasons for this? Or did I miss something?
I think I remember one of them saying in some interview that they weren't going to bother. It would just cost money that would be unnecessary to put towards something like that. In this day and age, music videos don't really matter anymore.
With the comparatively low sales of WCFYA back in 2003, we at least had clips for Safe Home, WDD, and Taking the Music Back, yet I haven't seen or heard any news of any clips for TDYK, Fight Em, or anything else.

I think this really answers your own question here. They put forth the money and effort on WCFYA to make videos and the album didn't sell any better for it. Better to save the money and just continue to tour.
in fairness who bothers with music videos these days when u can watch/download/burn any live audio/video from the band
I was wondering the same thing... People still watch alot of videos on youtube.. I also check all of the on demand videos to see what is out there every couple weeks. I can picture a bad ass Zombie stompin video for Fight Em.
I was wondering the same thing... People still watch alot of videos on youtube.. I also check all of the on demand videos to see what is out there every couple weeks. I can picture a bad ass Zombie stompin video for Fight Em.

In one interview Scott said that they didn't want to bother, but now the label wants them to do it so they're going to give them extra money to make one. It'll probably be for "Devil".
So..go for the cheaper version..LIVE SHOOTS....Strange, they have a good thing going right now, what with their FB acct is very active, the least they could do is come up with an official vid for a single & let it loose, let it go viral...& the effect will be good..