Anthrax will be doing 3 headlining gigs out West


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
May 27 in Tucson at the Rialto theatre
May 28 in Phoenix at the Cajun House
May 29 at the house of blues in LA

Here was Charlie's response when I asked if the dates at were correct:

those are the correct dates, Motorhead will not be on the last 3 dates with us. I think death angel will be on those

:wave: :hotjump: :OMG: :Spin:
tattooedsean666 said:
I had to go all the way to the top because I know that it means as much to her as it does to me to see the guys so I told charlie that anthrax dates must be done :):)

Thank ya for the "definite" info here! I'm there!
Fuck, I'm still pissed about no DC show. Norfolk but no DC?? What's up with that. I think all I'm going to this tour is Norfolk, then Asbury Park, then Cleveland. Chicago is looking really slim although I'd love to go.
tattooedsean666 said:
oh lord yes it is, the cajun house is much bigger than the mason jar. it looks like you are standing in the middle of bourbon street down in New orleans with the stage at one end

That works! Anyone know what the "going rate" is for the shows? Just a ballpark guesstimate? What about merch?
well, if it was like the killer tour way back when, it was the clash of the titans.

if it was like the chuck billy benefit show, it was thrash of the titans.

oh I feel bad for those young enough not to have witnessed the great clash of the titans tour. :erk: :loco:
I'll see DA any time they come to southern cali. I'm already waiting for May 30th in Santa Ana, CA.

Too bad Vio-lence looks on the skids with the departure of a guitarist.

BTW, I went to Clash and Thrash of the Titans. Loads of fun.
Clash of the Titans
Man, I will regret not making it to that concert for the rest of my life......

Check this out:
(the kid who wrote it is biased [loves Megadeth, obviously], but it's worth reading)
I remember going to both the european and american clash of the titan tours and enjoying both.

I also am glad I made it out to the thrash of the titans in the bay area to see my old time favs death angel and vio-lence and seeing legacy was awesome. :hotjump:
I made it to the Baltimore Arena show. It was the first time I met Anthrax. It happened all too quick. It was just a simple handshake and autograph. I remember them being so much bigger than me and now I'm about the same size as them.

I read that article that you just put a link up to. It's funny how he's biased to Megadeth and just so happened to notice that the majority of the crowd was wearing 'deth t-shirts. It's similar to driving a certain make and model of car and noticing them on the streets all the time.

Also, it's pretty obvious that the last band to go on gets the most fan appreciation in most cases. Didn't they have a rotation for the last three bands on that tour?? I remember reading something about that. I remember being somewhat disappointed about Anthrax going on after Alice in Chains.

Justin, do you have any bootlegs of this tour??
AlexStomp said:
Justin, do you have any bootlegs of this tour??

I have a really shitty video from Miami that I didn't even watch to the end. There's a CD out there that I have seen on eBay that I want. I forget what city, but they played "Milk." I don't have any live ANTHRAX versions of that song. I'd like to get the MSG show if that exists on bootleg anywhere.