Anthraxfan is the coolest


Metal Royalty
Oct 8, 2002
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Thanks for hooking me up with a ticket for the HBB show.
VERY cool of you, and I appreciate it.
However, I can't go. :cry:
Wife TOTALLY freaked out on me. :rolleyes:
I'm already flying to the Chicago show, and going to party down the weekend, without her. Then the following weekend, I'm going up north to do some 4-wheeling, without her. She's not to happy about being left out of this stuff. She really wants to go to Anthrax.
BUT, if you are going to the Chicago gig, I at least owe you a beer. I'd like to meet the rest of the regulars too.

Anyway, I made this post, to show my appreciation.
Rock on! :headbang:
Hey Lordlinsey. Thanks for the personal post just about me and all. To the rest of you, i have 1 ticket available. I gave 2 of them to spider type person, so yeah, email me or something to get the 1 other ticket if you want it. otherwise, i'll give it to someone in the crowd outside the place. later!